Keys: Mystery, search for truth, luck, opportunities, achievements, surprises
This Rune is associated with the Phoenix, that mystical bird that is consumed in fire and then rises from its own ashes. Powerful forces of change and renewal are in motion.
On the mundane side, there are likely to be surprises such as sudden gains or the start of an unexpected relationship.
now is the time to rise above the mundane and ordinary to gain a broader view. Perth reminds you that the external does not matter, except that which is a reflection of the internal.
It says there are hidden things or secret matters. The real sense to the issue lies under the surface. Unknown things exert such influence under reality, by means of signs that lead us to do some research and dive into subjects that we have not paid attention before. There is certain need to uncover some mystery.
The answer to why Perth, refers to the mystery as the essence of things; the power to captivate, that is generated from its invisible depth; the attraction towards unknown and secret things. There are hidden forces operating and we exert no influence over them: they represent the secret side of reality, those matters that are kept ignored, and as a result of which, we never deal with.
Perth advises us to be more aware and sharpen senses. One has to pay more attention to instincts and begin to find out about all those matters that seem to be suspicious or dark. It would be interesting to find out what is beyond appearances. in other words, the rune suggest us to keep some things in absolutely secret or confidence, there are things that are better not brought to light.
It helps as the key to secrets, to make use of it as soon as can not foresee things anymore. It is one�s own knowledge, which is not necessary others have. The end refers to be ready from the intuitive point of view.
Perth refers to a moment of attraction and impulses that seem hard to control, but they are also magic. It describes periods in which rituals play an important role. It may refer to night times, especially midnight. The moment Perth talks about is the one in which one is aware of one�s seductive powers.
This rune sets us in a hidden place, which may be secret or just inaccessible to others. It an unknown place for many people; it is not very big or bright; it is rather dark. Perth may also describe a mysterious place. In other cases, it refers to a world associated with paranormal situations, that of fourth dimension. Perth suggests a secret organization, a house with windows down, a basement, a trunk, a box, a house with spirits dwelling, an introductory center, a night place, the other world.
Perth refers to a person who is extremely mystic, intuitive and who does not aim at producing. It is about an attractive and mysterious personality, who plays on senses or takes advantage of them. It may refer to an astrologist, a wizard, a persona who makes or sells perfumes, a taster or a musician.
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Astrology is like a weather report; it tells you what conditions you’re likely to face in the future. If the weatherman says it’s probably going to rain, you bring an umbrella. If you follow that advice, you won’t get wet.