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Viking Runes

The Berkana Rune

Growth / Renaissance
The Birch

Other names of this Rune :
Berkano, Beorc, Baírkan, Bjarkan
Element: Earth

Keys: Maternity, health, home, commitment, birth, stability

The Empress



This Rune indicates flowering and ripening, and is related to new forms. Growth can occur in worldly matters, family or interpersonal relationships. The process of self-change is in motion and you will benefit.


Berkana advises removing resistance through deep cleaning. If necessary, seek expert help to carry it out. Once any resistance has been dispelled through consistency and proper attitude, then you can flowering to occur.

ASK "THE WHAT?" TO Berkana

It tells us there is a maternal and pure spirit in the situation. The point is to focus and help what is growing and also what needs renewal. The atmosphere is great and it is characterized by union, being more precisely, brotherhood. It is not about expanding to the outer part, but strengthening inside ties, especially those associated with the sense of nourishing.

ASK "WHY?" TO Berkana

The answer to why Berkana, refers to a motherly essence and all it brings about like protecting, conservative and advantageous qualities for growth and development.

ASK "THE HOW?" TO Berkana

Berkana advices us to be more flexible and less severe; we should allow ourselves to experience situations that we can enjoy tenderness and feelings. One should let that child inside of us express his spontaneity, and let less selfish partnership attitudes flow.


It helps to feed what has just been born or created. This rune advises us to devote to what has been already started, and not to leave it abandoned to chance: things never grow by themselves. The end refers to growing.

ASK "WHEN?" TO Berkana

Berkana describes times of prosperity and renewal, which are fruitful and enriching. This moment is characterized by interchange, which makes business easier. In other words, this rune may be talking about spring. The moment Berkana talks about is the one in which shoots start to appear.

ASK "WHERE?" TO Berkana

Berkana talks about a safe place, which serves as shelter and protection. From the mystic point of view, it is the family house. In other sense, it is just an inferior place, home. It may refer to a maternity hospital, a soup kitchen, a cave, a forest, a church, a burning fireplace, the womb, a goddess sanctuary, or any other place where calmness prevail.

ASK "THE WHO?" TO Berkana

Berkana refers to a person who has great abilities to produce; this person has some motherly characteristics; it is someone kind, protective and firm. It is a mother that feeds all around her. He motivates others. It may refer to an elder brother or sister.

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