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Viking Runes

The Nauthiz Rune

Pain / Need

Other names of this Rune :
Nyd, Naud, Nied, Need
Element: Ice

Keys: Survival, adversity, darkness, betrayal, oppression




Choosing this Rune indicates that there will be delays and changes in the direction of your actions

There are reasons to carefully review your plans. The restriction is necessary.


Nauthiz suggests identifying your Shadow, the dark side of your nature, which is reflected outward in the form of weaknesses. Try to examine what it is within you that brings misfortune into your life. Difficulties and Failures can teach us a lot about ourselves. If necessary, rectify the path and restore your inner balance. Look for the positive side of adversity.

ASK "THE WHAT?" TO Nauthiz

It tells there is necessity; therefore, there is sorrow. It is hard to deal with the situation, reality oppresses and the resources are precarious. However, in spite of the negative side of the circumstances, the painful experience gives, while it leaves, some teaching. All that happens, then, has a little bit of survival.

ASK "WHY?" TO Nauthiz

The answer to why Nauthiz, refers to the fact that there is too much load or it is too heavy for the forces that carry it. In that sense, it could be understood that responsibilities are not well distributed and fell despairingly on certain point.

ASK "THE HOW?" TO Nauthiz

Nauthiz states that it is necessary to withstand and stand the test. It is important to be brave and face up to it. It is advisable to save and do not set out feelings. It is wise to save the situation until the moment in which more favorable circumstances show up.


It helps to break the ties which, on the contrary, would endure and disturb to interrupt old processes or to help something grow or bring about good results. It is about learning how to make pain shorter. The end is avoiding tiredness.

ASK "WHEN?" TO Nauthiz

Nauthiz leads us to the darkest moment, which is the least bright in every sense. It is a difficult time, but it does not last too much, though it claims to assume certain attitude; that is, these are moments in a rush. In other situations, this rune refers to a convalescence period and gradual recovery, when pain is relieved slowly. It may also talk about the last moments of darkness of the night. The moment Nauthiz talks about is the one in which one has to overcome the most difficult things.

ASK "WHERE?" TO Nauthiz

At first, it is a place with such characteristics that recall survival, that is, there are many basic things missing. It is a place under an emergency, it may even be oppressive. In other cases, Nauthiz may point out to places associated with burials or sacrifices. Nauthiz describes many places such as poor and wretched places, a graveyard, a chapel of rest, gallows, or any place with little resources.

ASK "THE WHO?" TO Nauthiz

This rune describes someone who pays special attention to details and act extremely cautiously. This is a well trained and self demanding person, who is used to deal with stressful times. It describes a personality that can control emotions. He may be a surgeon, an architect or a watchmaker. In other cases, Nauthiz could be talking about a wizard.

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