The tranquility, which prevents hasty actions, and the penetration make
It shows the man how to take advantage of wealthy times, taking into account future epochs of misfortune. By means of brightness and progress, the man reaches wealth, getting ready to face hard moments of looses
We are going through a stage in which obstacles have been left behind. We are on our way to make our plans and desires come true in a great way. These are clear movements. The advance has been huge, and out of here, we can jump into a conclusion: it's now when we have to take care of the things we have reached. The fall can be as enormous as the advance. However, we should not be sad because of this, but enjoy our fulfilments, and keep on struggling.
We are about entering a period in which overcoming all obstacles to succeed, those that today seem impossible to conquer, will be done easily and effectively. The brightness of our actions will cause a fast rise. We will be famous and a successful public life. This flourishment won't last, truly, long time, but we will enjoy it as endless. Great success.