A tree on a mountain develops itself slowly according to the laws of their being and therefore firmly rooted.%66It gives us the idea of development as a gradual process, step by step.%66The tranquility, which prevents hasty actions, and the penetration make%66development and progress possible
It is only possible to perfect every detail of advancement when progress is steady and patient.
We went through a period of slow progress , but that promise a happy ending. Seize this moment is all that touches us. Through a ceaseless motion , and keeping the rules of coexistence that proposed us who have welcomed us , we will secure a successful evolution
We are starting an era of progress and success. To penetrate in new experiences, in business or in family groups, all that we have to comply with are those rules already predefined and those that allow us to continue our evolution to the end, without impediment . Possibility of a good marriage. Good luck