Type of Card: Neutral
Card Description: 35 - Pathway
It is a fairly neutral card and when it appears in a Tarot roll it gives us a very long term forecast, at least two years. It is also a card that assures us that relations of friendship, couple, etc. will be perpetuated in time. Sometimes it can be taken from a prism of routine and monotony where nothing is by surprise and where there is no room for improvisation.
In love, the couple will last a long time. If you don't have a partner, you probably won't show up until a long period of time. At work, it indicates a job in which the consultant will take root.
If the Moon has a lot of influence over you, this is the best moment to know the mysteries of your personal interiority and help you take the right decisions by Tarot reading of the moon
Kabbalah tarot reading is a group of mystical concepts that precede any religions and it is considered a revelation from God to mankind.
We propose a fun game for you to learn an interpreter each of the tarot cards, it is very simple and entertaining.
earn the basic meanings of Tarot reading through explanations of the Major Arcane, Minor Arcane and Court cards in Thirteen`s Tarot Card Meanings.