Type of Card: Positive
Card Description: 20 - House
It is a positive card that tells us about our material possessions. Although the card shows us a house and it is called that, the meaning extends to all the properties we may have. It speaks to us of stability in all facets of our lives, of balance.
It could also indicate a large building, an administration, office, etc. In any case, one should not fear the presence of this card because in general it speaks of harmony and balance in everything. At the sentimental level, it could indicate the relationship of a fairly settled couple and at the economic and labor level, absolute stability. Sometimes, it is also the card that tells us the purchase of an upcoming home if the consultant is looking for a new home.
We all have or have had inside us unresolved feelings even though sometimes we are not aware of them. Inconveniences, difficulties and complications ...
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