Free love tarot reading online

Tarot Los Arcanos

Ask the Tarot
Ask the Tarot
Think and write what concerns you. Ask open-ended questions. The Tarot will give you a response so that we can make appropriate decisions and solve problems
Ask the Tarot
Learn Tarot
We propose a fun game for you to learn how to interpret each of the tarot cards, it is very simple and entertaining.
Gypsy Tarot
Gypsies have ancestral knowledge and an innate talent for clairvoyance. They transmit from mother to daughter their knowledge, points of view of expectations and also their tarot.
Love Tarot
Love Tarot reading will help you find true love. You will be able to analyze in a better way any problems you face with your partner.
Yes or No Tarot
Free one card Tarot reading Yes or No, Tarot reading YES or NO is a spread that answers concrete and precise questions. The YES or NO Tarot reading, can easily remove your doubts...
Tarot the Oracle
One of the most enriching readings and for free. It provides specific advice on each subject: love, health, work, trips, business, relationships, money and so forth. Get it now!
Daily Tarot Horoscope
The Today`s Tarot will give you an idea of what your day might look like today. If you don`t like what it has to say, maybe changing your mindset to something more positive or taking some sort of action will give you a better outlook.
Celtic Cross Tarot
The Celtic Cross Tarot reading is probably the oldest and most popular pattern for tarot reading. It has survived so long, because the layout of the cards is simple but powerful. A strong energy has built up around this spread due to its use by so many people over the years.
Crossroads Tarot Spread
The Crossroads Tarot reading is generally used when the consultation is about an issue with two different ways to select when we are really doubtful about the consequences of our decisions.
Hidden Truth Tarot
We all have or have had inside us unresolved feelings even though sometimes we are not aware of them. Inconveniences, difficulties and complications that sometimes are at plain sight and our subconscious refuse to see. In any of these situations Hidden Truth Tarot reading is suggested.
Tarot of the Moon
If the Moon has a lot of influence over you, this is the best moment to know the mysteries of your personal interiority and help you take the right decisions by Tarot reading of the moon. The Moon has a powerful influence over nature, the tidal sea, the weather and over our moods
Tarot in Favor and Against
Tarot reading in favor and against shows the two different ways that a given situation has and which aspects are in favor and which ones are against it; in this way we can decide clearly where to focus our effort to realize our purpose.
Tarot Past, Present and Future
The analysis of any subject, when time plays an important role, can be carried out through this specific tarot reading.
Tarot Cabala
Kabbalah tarot reading is a group of mystical concepts that precede any religions and it is considered a revelation from God to mankind. It`s the oral transmission of knowledge from generation to generation. According to kabalistic teachings, the universe works
Astrology Chart
Astrology studies the position and movement of stars. Thanks to their understanding and surveillance, we can establish a relationship between what happens in the sky and what goes on in people`s life. Modern astrology, rather than predicting people`s " fate "or forecasting events on earth, is used as a powerful tool for the person`s own process of self-knowledge.
Rising Sign
The Ascendant sign expresses personality. It is an important feature because it shows the behavior that is learned, as well as the way we are perceived by others. It is also related to the manner we begin things...
Weekly Horoscopes
Astrological true horoscope updated weekly. Get free advices and predictions based on your sign and the position of the stars. Know how the week looks like for you in work, love and health.
Tarot Hidden Emotions
We propose to make a simple memory game with our Tarot cards to reveal which is unconsciously Arcana has a message for you Find pairs of cards Tarot to discover them all, with the fewest possible moves, it is very simple.
I CHING Reading
The I-Ching, or Book of Changes, is the worlds oldest book and earliest known intuitive decision-making system. Based on the binary logic of yin/yang, it is used to derive personal strategy and insights based on natural wisdom -- as pertaining to human problems that logic alone cannot handle.
Today`s I Ching
Today`s I Ching daily hexagram give us an idea about strengths, people, events and spiritual states that will be important today
Runic Oracle (Runes)
Runes is a sacred word for the northern population of Europe meaning "Secret" or "Secret Knowledge", is one of the oldest languages on the planet. Runes may be consulted in order to find answers to specific questions in a given moment. In both cases, one of the most effective, reliable and easy methods to do this, is by throwing or casting the seven Runes.
Moon Sign
The Moon represents human psyche. The emotional body of man. It’s indicative of a person`s emotions and feelings. It gives an intuitional nature, taste, youth, love of poetry, music, attractive looks and sensuality. It`s influence makes one moody, emotional and highly sensitive.
Moon`s Nodes
The Moon`s Nodes illustrate those points on the ground, where the orbit of the Moon around the Earth crosses that of the Earth around the Sun. both intersections can be calculated and they are diametrically opposed one to another, so they make up the lines of the nodes ...
Part of Fortune
In astrology, the Part of Fortune, sometimes called Fortuna, is the most popular Arabic Part. Arabic Parts are sensitive points in a chart. The Part of Fortune represents worldly success, and is associated with the physical body and health as well. It can be indicative of the career or vocation.
Exclusive Tarot Deck
Browse through our entire collection of Tarot decks and cards.
Tarot Card Meanings
Learn the basic meanings of Tarot reading through explanations of the Major Arcane, Minor Arcane and Court cards in Thirteen`s Tarot Card Meanings.