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Crossroads Tarot Reading

Free Crossroads Tarot Reading

These cards are a vehicle, not a destination. They help you access your inner srengths by offering insight and hope. They bring clarity and inspiration to your journey, your healing, your potential, your power, your promise and above all else - your truth.

Do you have to make a very important decision and you do not know the path to follow? Make this simple six cards Tarot spread and you will get three answers: the events that will take place in case you choose the two choices in front of you , and a third one, the one that Tarot offers as the true one.

The Crossroads Spread is generally used when the consultation is about issues with two different ways to select, when we are really doubtful about the consequences of our decisions.

In cases of uncertainty about the path to choose, we can use this Tarot spread. We can clearly and briefly discover the roads that will come along after making and putting our decisions into practice.

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Daily Tarot Horoscope

The Today`s Tarot will give you an idea of what your day might look like today. If you don`t like what it has to say, maybe changing your mindset to something more positive or ...

Tarot in Favor and Against

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earn the basic meanings of Tarot reading through explanations of the Major Arcane, Minor Arcane and Court cards in Thirteen`s Tarot Card Meanings.