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tarot of the moon

The Moon: Predictive Tarot

The Moon can also represent deception and hidden enemies; perhaps those in your social circle do not always want what is best for you. Alternatively, you could be the one be fooling them. The Moon can be a warning to stay away from gossip and negativity for the time being.


When is the next full moon?

03-14-2025Full moon
03-22-2025Last Quarter
03-29-2025New Moon
04-05-2025First Quarter

The Moon Tarot, it`s a symbol of time and reflected light. The full Moon can create mental worry, depression and melancholy. From the subconscious mind comes fear, wishes and passion. We have to understand this and act with love and compassion. The Tarot of The Moon refers to emotions, intuition, physical abilities and cycles. The New Moon is the moment to start new projects in a personal sense on the public arena.

If the Moon has a lot of influence over you, this is the best moment to know the mysteries of your personal interiority and help you take the right decisions. The Moon has a powerful influence over nature, the tidal sea, the weather and over our moods, in this lay out, not only the selection and interpretation of the of the Arcane is in play, but the influence of the different lunar phases.

The Moon indicates that things may seem somewhat confusing to you now. You may find it hard to understand where you are coming from, much less what others are thinking and feeling! You need to try to sit with the uncertainty, don`t try to force things or people to do things before they are ready. This card is the "Pisces" of the tarot deck.

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