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Leo Weekly Horoscope

Leo Weekly Horoscope

Week from march 2 th to february 8 th

Your Tarot cards for this Week


The Magician

Leo, this week the cosmos invites you to shine with your unique light, taking advantage of your warm, generous and enthusiastic nature. With the Sun in Pisces and the Moon in the Crescent Room in Gemini, your intuition and communication skills will be in sync, allowing you to express your ideas with clarity and creativity. Lucky number: 9 Color of the Week: Gold (to boost your confidence and natural shine). Best day of the week: Sunday, March 2 (leadership and opportunity day). Your enthusiasm and broad mind will be your greatest allies, but be careful not to slip into arrogance or excess control. The universe asks you to lead with humility and generosity.

Career Horoscope

The High Priestess

or Arcane: The High Priestess The High Priestess invites you to trust your inner voice and to open up to dreams and imagination in the work and financial environment. Trabajo: With Mercury in Aries, your mind will be more active and full of ideas. The High Priestess reminds you that intuition is a powerful tool for making decisions. Take advantage of the conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter to expand your professional horizons. Finance: This week, maintain an intuitive approach. The High Priestess advises you to plan carefully and trust your ability to detect hidden opportunities. Avoid impulsive spending and look for long-term growth opportunities. Advice from The High Priestess: “Trust your inner voice and open your mind to dreams and imagination. Intuition is your best guide.”

Love Horoscope

The Devil

Major Arcane: The Devil The Devil invites you to develop greater self-esteem and to free yourself from the emotional bonds that limit your growth in relationships. As a couple: If you're in a relationship, it's time to evaluate if there are dynamics of control or dependence that need to be transformed. The Devil reminds you that true love is based on freedom and mutual respect. The conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter promotes emotional expansion, which can help you reconnect with your partner from a more authentic place. Single: For single Leos, this week may bring important revelations about your emotional patterns. Keep an open mind and don't be afraid to show your most authentic side. Advice from The Devil: “Develop greater self-esteem and free yourself from emotional ties. True love starts with yourself.”

Health Horoscope

The Empress

Major Arcane: The Empress The Empress invites you to appreciate beauty and to connect with abundance in your life. This week, Leo, is a time to take care of your body and spirit with love and dedication. Physical health: With the trine Sun Mars, your physical energy will be at a good level. It's an ideal time to start a new exercise routine or resume healthy habits. However, avoid excesses that could lead to exhaustion. Emotional health: The Emperatriz reminds you that emotional well-being is nourished by a connection with beauty and nature. The conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter favors the connection with your inner world, helping you to find peace and balance. Advice from The Emperatriz: “Appreciate beauty and connect with abundance in your life. Loving self-care is the path to well-being.”

Astrology Chart

Astrology studies the position and movement of stars. Thanks to their understanding and surveillance, we can establish a relationship between what happens in the sky

Rising Sign

The Ascendant sign expresses personality. It is an important feature because it shows the behavior that is learned, as well as the way we are perceived by others

Moon`s NodesThe Moon`s Nodes illustrate those points on the ground, where the orbit of the Moon around the Earth crosses that of the Earth around the Sun.
Part of FortuneIn astrology, the Part of Fortune, sometimes called Fortuna, is the most popular Arabic Part. Arabic Parts are sensitive points in a chart. The Part of Fortune represents worldly success, and is associated with the physical body and health as well.

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Hidden Truth Tarot Runic Oracle (Runes) Astrology Chart
Love Tarot Reading Crossroads Tarot Spread I Ching Reading