Chiron is the wounded healer, a comet which shows where you will help others to overcome something which you fought in life.
Chiron simbolizes the tear, the wound, that which does not stop hurting, but which for that same reason unifies us to the human condition. It is also the gift of healing others through our own wounds: the inner doctor, the gift of healing we all bring.
Chiron simbolizes the aspect of our life which is wounded from birth, it refers to that area where we feel rejected, where we have limitations. There where Chiron is, we are in permanent contact with our pain, and also from that untreatable pain in us come the gifts to heal others. It simbolizes our compassionate qualities which bring us closer to the other's pain to help heal it.
Are you curious to know what your true Chiron location says about you? Enter the details of your birth to find which zodiac sign and which house Chiron ocupies in your astrological chart.
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The place where Vesta is located in your Birth Chart is the sacred area where all your natural talents reside.
Ceres is Mother Earth. She governs health, nutrition, agriculture, a universal food that permeates everything
Juno is the zodiac sign of marriage and commitment
In the natal chart, "The Warrior Queen" speaks of the ability to solve problems, the ability to take advantage of resources
Astrology studies the position and movement of stars. Thanks to their understanding and surveillance, we can establish a relationship between what happens in the sky
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