The most complete way to describe Ceres in astrology is Mother Earth. She rules over health, nutrition, agriculture, and, in general, a universal food which impregnates everything we touch and which touches us.
It also symbolizes fertility, the transitions a woman goes through in different stages of her life, motherhood and the ferocious energy with which family relationships are intertwined. Ceres describes what we need to feel nurtured in this life and how we nurture those who surround us.
Ceres represents the natural world, the seasons rhythms, feminity and fertility, raising and reproduction, raising and adoption. Its topics are unconditional love, parents and children relationships, and everything related to devotion, attachment, separation, sacrifice and loss. The Mother Earth of Astrology, Ceres is about your relationship with the physical world.
In our birth chart, Ceres’s energy recognizes the paradoxical roles we inhabit as both our own father and son. It's location shows us where we give ourselves care and affection easily and what we need to feel as better as possible physically, emotionally and spiritually, also known as self-care.
Simply calculate here your Zodiac sign which is related to Ceres in your chart and let that inform how exactly that invincible love takes shape in your world.
Enter the data in the following form to calculate your Ceres
Chiron is the wounded healer, a comet which shows where you will help others to overcome something which you fought in life.
The place where Vesta is located in your Birth Chart is the sacred area where all your natural talents reside.
Juno is the zodiac sign of marriage and commitment
In the natal chart, "The Warrior Queen" speaks of the ability to solve problems, the ability to take advantage of resources
Astrology studies the position and movement of stars. Thanks to their understanding and surveillance, we can establish a relationship between what happens in the sky
The Ascendant sign expresses personality. It is an important feature because it shows the behavior that is learned, as well as the way we are perceived by others
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