According to astrology, the date we were born defines our personality. Our characteristic features therefore depend on the sign of the zodiac to which we belong. Each one has a period on the calendar, and it is essential to know which one is our sign.
Astrologers of all times agree that the House corresponding to the sign of Aquarius is House XI, which puts the subject in contact with the world and with his fellow men. It is one of those that acquires the greatest meaning and the native of Aquarius shows, and tries to carry out, his aspirations and his projects without letting himself be molded.
From another perspective, the native of the Aquarius sign is concerned about accessories and seeks the collaboration of his companions, partners and friends.
Sun in Aquarius
It seems that Aquarius is a sign to which people who are calm and of a gentle nature belong. According to certain astrological currents, the Sun produces beneficial effects on the natives of the sign; For example, people born in Aquarius, under the influence of the Sun, tend to have an open mind to the new and the unprecedented.
For all this, they are usually well received wherever they go, because they like to travel a lot. Another characteristic to be highlighted would be their marked attitude of prudence and discretion, which leads them to be extremely receptive and attracts many sympathies to their person.
When the generosity with which the Sun is referred to as a key characteristic merges, with the ingenuity, singularity and occurrences of Aquarius, the result will have a lot to do with accompaniment, attendance and influx.
The Moon in Aquarius
The influence of the Moon on the sign Aquarius leads him to maintain, in certain cases, intransigent and radical positions. The students of Astrology affirm, in addition, that the native of this sign, when found in the present circumstances, shows a relatively strong inclination towards reverie and fable.
The presence of this luminary makes them idealize reality to such an extent that they are even attracted to mysticism and, on occasion, it may manifest a certain healing capacity. Some astrological currents extend such quality of the natives of the Aquarius sign to the mental and psychic healing; For this reason, they would be people with a great receptive capacity and understanding of the intimate conflicts of their peers.
This turning towards the inner world can lead to an exaggerated introversion.
When the versatility of the Moon is fused with the occurrence that comes from the natives of Aquarius, the result will have a lot to do with the meanings referring to intuition, insight, sagacity and clairvoyance.
Jupiter in Aquarius
In every astrological study the beneficial and benevolent incidence of the planet Jupiter has always been admitted. Well, the native of the Aquarius sign, when under its influence, always acts bearing in mind the desires of others more than his own.
The altruistic character is not strange in them since, in general, they tend to be detached and generous in excess, if it can be said that generosity is an excess. All this means that, at times, their benevolent disposition is abused, especially by certain people who are characterized by the absence of scruples when using others for their personal interests to satisfy their profit motive and their desire for notoriety, very especially .
When the greatness of Jupiter is fused with the uniqueness emanating from Aquarius, the result can lead to concepts such as humanism, help, favor and philanthropy.
Saturn in Aquarius
The natives of the sign Aquarius , when under the direct influence of the planet in question, they become introverted, pessimistic and suspicious. This situation stops all desire to help others, which sometimes forces them to seek solitude and remain in the most complete inactivity. At the same time, and perhaps as a consequence of it, they are prey to a vital anguish that tortures their thoughts and their mental world; to such an extent that a deep depression may overtake them, forcing them to reject any hint of solving their sunken state of mind.
Mars in Aquarius
It is affirmed, since the beginning of ancient Astrology, that Aquarius is the sign that possesses originality and that precisely this planet animates with its dynamic influence and transforming to realize that characteristic of the natives of Aquarius.
It is also considered by tradition that the people belonging to this sign, when they are in the present circumstance, that is, under the direct influence of the planet Mars, make their decisions with a marked energy. Sometimes, this means that they are not chosen by their acquaintances to carry out tasks or positions where flexibility and moderation of judgment is an indispensable requirement, so to speak.
Venus in Aquarius
It is commonly accepted by all astrological schools, that the planet Venus produces effects related to physical attraction in the native people of the Aquarius sign; all claim that their friendships will end in more committed, loving and romantic situations. Hence, these are very dear to everyone.
An Aquarian directly influenced by the planet Venus will almost never have isolation or loneliness problems, which is why they will look more for the pragmatic and useful side of life, and of human relationships, than the side, if it is which can be said like this, metaphysical. This does not mean that they are interested people and that they only start certain relationships to get some benefit from them. Deep down, it can be said that what people belonging to the sign of Aquarius are looking for is security for the future time.
When seduction, a key characteristic that defines Venus, merges with the uniqueness of the sign in question , the result is close to meanings that refer to sincerity and loyalty.
Neptune in Aquarius
The native of the Aquarius sign, when under the direct influence of Neptune, becomes more idealistic and utopian than it usually is. This, according to some interpretations of this symbiosis, is in the medium term more productive than expected, since, in a certain way, it frees the native people of Aquarius from annoying companies that, in short, what they want is to bother with their whims the natives of this sign and not allow, in this way, that they can carry out those beautiful projects that had been proposed to a successful conclusion. At this stage, Aquarians tend to regain their loneliness, which is nothing more than being with themselves.
Mercury in Aquarius
The native of the Aquarius sign is recognized as original that they do not possess any of the natives of other signs, at least not to the degree that it manifests in those.
To all this we must add the most pronounced characteristic of the planet Mercury, the so-called intellectual energy.
Given that, moreover, precisely Mercury is in exaltation in Aquarius, the logical consequence of every student of Astrology will lead him to conclude that the incidence of Mercury in the native of this sign Aquarius is maximum at least from the point of view of the beneficial. This is, therefore, a period of regeneration, which results from the fusion of the key characteristic referred to Mercury, with the meaning of singularity due to Aquarius.
Uranus in Aquarius
People born under the sign of Aquarius, when under the direct influence of Uranus, tend to change their circumspect and serious appearance for a certain carefree attitude. They lose their fear and stop being shy when they are in the presence of famous or powerful people; And the fact is that Aquarians, inside, tend to mythologize and overvalue certain individuals because of their social prestige rather than their personal worth. This attitude, in a way unprecedented in them, leads them to project initiatives that very rarely and rarely will be unsuccessful; they always achieve their purposes when they are in the circumstances that concern us.
But it may happen that they are not satisfied with themselves because of this, for they often become excessively demanding, which makes them decidedly unhappy.
Pluto in Aquarius
The natives of the Aquarius sign, when they are influenced by the planet Pluto, have a highly developed sense of fairness, which is a constant concern for achieving a more just and egalitarian society. This often makes people born under the sign of Aquarius (if they are in the circumstances described), uncomfortable; especially for their insistence on demanding social improvements and more justice; or rather, more coherence when administering justice. They tend to look for the serious side of life, according to some astrological currents, and they never decline or give up their efforts when they have set themselves a certain goal, no matter how expensive and difficult it may be.
When the responsibility that emanates is merged of Pluto with the uniqueness that comes from Aquarius, the result will be that of duty, commitment and obligation.
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