



Tarot Deck

Tarot Fenestra

Spectacular Tarot, perfectly designed with a very elaborate border and with beautiful illustrations. In this work the elements of mythology are detailed art deco and also symbolize Japanese art.

[V] The Hierophant Wisdom, endurance, persistence, patience, help from superiors, good advice, a good teacher, organization, peace, goodness of heart. The card that represents you, in the form of your own, truest voice, your own inner-self. Dogma. Can be lawyers.


Tendency to over criticize or being unduly concerned with the morals of others. Incapable of dealing efficiently with practical matters, especially finances. Unconventionality, illogical, superstitious, unable to behave coherently.

Fine and delicate like the roses that frame the face of the cards. Soft but no less expressive colors. This tarot has the characteristic of not saturating the view with strong colors or too many meanings; In this way the images allow your perception to flow and flow without stopping at numbers, letters, symbols etc, etc.



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Tarot Fenestra

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