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Three of Cups Tarot Card Meanings

Tarot Three of Cups

Three of Cups Tarot Card Meanings

Tarot Three of Cups

There are three cards in the tarot that focus on the group, each from a different point of view. For Hierophant, it is the formal approach. For the three of Pentacles it's teamwork, and for the Three of Cups, it's emotions. What does it feel like to join with others? What is friendship and community? These are the questions answered by the Three of Cups.

On this card, we see three women dancing together in a circle. His arms extend to each other to connect his feelings (cups). In many settings, women create and nourish the social glue that unites people. These dancing women are a symbol of joining us in love. (Of course, these feelings are not only related to the woman.)

In readings, the Tarot Three Cup can mean a friend or feelings associated with friendship. This card can represent the community: the support network created when we interact with others. It can be any group in which members feel a link. When you see the Three of Cups, examine your attachment to groups in your life from an emotional point of view. Consider approaching to give or receive help. This card represents all forms of support, including formal assistance, such as counselling and other social services.

The women in the Three of Cups also express joy and good mood. Such feelings are not limited to groups, but can be especially strong there. Celebrations arise spontaneously when people feel connected, loved and secure. The Three of Cups can represent a state of tune or an experience that makes you feel like dancing and singing.

It is a card of celebration, friendship, brotherhood and creative collaborations. Your friends and family are here to help you and choose you at even higher levels of success. Celebrate and enjoy with them the company

Suggestions Tarot Three of Cups

Feeling exuberant full of energy
Brimming with good mood to feel on top of the world dancing and singing
Enjoying friendship meet with people who like
Trust others and rely on outside help
Valuing community by participating in a support group
Developing a team spirit working together by joining others
Forming a group circle helping each other discover a common goal of being a neighbor

Negative aspects Tarot Three of Cups

Unable to feel love, avoids old friends, does not enjoy the company of others.

keywords Tarot Three of Cups

Eating, drinking, marriage, meeting old friends.




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