In we are creating a new Tarot deck, with exclusive footage created to transmit the feminine consciousness and energy of the New Age, that will soon see on our site as well try that may get printed
The Empress taught us to love. It is love that makes our life develop and grow. Your only purpose is to love for the pure pleasure of loving. Perfect love acts without thinking about love. She's the Goddess of unconditional love. Without it, everything would be gloomy and lifeless. Instead of darkness and fatalities, the Empress fills our lives with feelings and emotions, with joy, happiness and satisfaction. It is the elixir of eternal life.
The Empress taught us to know our emotions and feelings through self-expression, shows us that each person is beautiful on its own, without needing to change. It reminds us that we should not react negatively to the setbacks of life.
The Empress and Tall High Priestess are the two halves of the female archetype in the major arcana. The Empress represents the Fértile and life-giving Mother who reigns over the generosity of nature and the rhythms of the Earth. From it come all the pleasures and joys of the senses and the abundance of a new life in all its forms. The Empress encourages you to strengthen your connections with the natural world that is the basis of our being. Very often, false sophistications and pleasures take us away from our roots. Let the Empress remind you that you must keep your feet firmly planted on Earth.
In the readings, the Empress can refer to any aspect of Motherhood. She may be an individual mother, but as an important arcane card, she also goes beyond the specific aspects of motherhood to its essence: the creation of life and its sustenance through loving care and attention.
The Empress can also represent abundant abundance of all kinds. It offers a wide variety of delicacies, especially those of the senses: food, pleasure and beauty. She can suggest a material reward, but only with the understanding that riches go with a generous and open spirit. The Empress asks you to accept the principle of life and enjoy her abundant goodness.
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Kabbalah tarot reading is a group of mystical concepts that precede any religions and it is considered a revelation from God to mankind.
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