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The Devil Tarot Card Meanings

Tarot The Devil

The Devil Tarot Card Meanings

Tarot The Devil

The devil is our symbol of what is evil and undesirable. From our human perspective, we see the world as a struggle between light and darkness. We want to overcome the evil so that the good prevail. In fact, good and bad cannot be separated, just as a shadow cannot be separated from its origin. Darkness is simply the absence of light, and it is caused by errors that conceal the truth

First there is ignorance, not knowing the truth and not realizing that we do not know. Second, materialism: the belief that there is nothing more than the physical. As spiritual beings, we yearn for the Divine, but we lose contact with this source of truth if we trust only in our senses. There is also despair, which deprives us of our joy and movement towards the light.

Traditionally, the devil represents evil, but it does not have this rather frightening meaning in a reading. This card allows you to know that you are trapped in an unhealthy and unproductive situation. You may be in the dark about something, ignorant of the truth and its implications. You may be obsessed with a person, idea, substance, or pattern who knows is bad for you (or maybe not!). Sometimes this card reflects the negativity that has made you doubt yourself and your future. We are prone to many mistakes in life. Card 15 lets us know how serious they are to require attention. When you see the devil, examine your assumptions carefully. Make sure you're not working from a false picture of yourself and the situation. Hold on to the highest vision of who you are.

The Devil represents everything that is negative and stops us. Do we blame our lack of determination and success on negative things? Are these barriers real or do we create them to sabotage us?

The Devil's card urges us to face our negative attitude and start seeing us more positively. We must love and accept ourselves and stop judging and censure ourselves. It is one thing to be excessively satisfied with oneself and another to refuse to accept personal beauty, strength and wisdom.

Suggestions Tarot The Devil

Accept an unwanted situation
Feel bound against your will
Choosing to stay in the dark fearing that the unknown
Watching a cold world, thinking negatively
Do not punish for pleasure
The only one strength capable of overcoming evil is Divine love
Develop a higher self-esteem

Negative aspects Tarot The Devil

Ignorance, greed, envy, too proud, intolerant, misuse of power, manipulation, hatred, repression, false purpose, moody, pessimistic, defeatism, self-punishment, corporal punishment, tyrannical, selfishness, need to test others, stubborn, need to dominate, will prove that you is wrong, annulment, denial, does not respect the rights of others, rigid/inflexible, devious, complex/loom, whistleblower, viciss/sadism, fatalism, misery.

keywords Tarot The Devil

Thinking, change of mind, reflection, forgiving, tolerant, compares, future, serious, respect, structure, prudent, calculated, conventional, hardworking, disciplined, responsible, reserved.

Tarot combinations The Devil




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