In we are creating a new Tarot deck, with exclusive footage created to transmit the feminine consciousness and energy of the New Age, that will soon see on our site as well try that may get printed
Six of Wands is the counterpart of the minor arcana the chariot. Both cards represent moments of victory and triumph. Sometimes in life, all we want to do is win, be number one. You can see this dream on the faces of athletes, politicians and other champions as they enter the circle of winners. It's all worth it. I'm the best.
In the readings, the Six of Wands appears when you've been working hard towards a goal, and success is finally within reach. The recognition you've been looking for for so long is yours. Now you can receive the acclaim, honor, and reward you deserve. If you do not feel close to victory now, know that you are on the way as long as you are doing everything possible to make this happen. The victory of this card does not have to involve hitting someone else. You can triumph over yourself, the environment or the odds.
It also represents a healthy self-esteem. Feeling good about your achievements is an important part of success, but too much pride can lead to arrogance and self-inflation. When you see this card, verify that you do not feel superior to others. It is easy to forget that individual achievement is not really individual. Our talents begin in the Divine, develop with the love and support of others, and only in the end are expressed through us. How can we surrender to excess pride?
Six of Wands represents victory. We have succeeded in completing the task. People admire us and we are proud of ourselves. What have you achieved?
Each of us has achieved something: having a child, mastering a trade, showing courage in the face of a theft or a car accident. Not all of us have accumulated a fortune and emigrated to Hollywood. But there are many kinds of achievements. Who can say which one is better or worse?
Think and write what concerns you. Ask open-ended questions. The Tarot will give you a response so that we can make appropriate decisions and solve problems
The Celtic Cross Tarot reading is probably the oldest and most popular pattern for tarot reading. It has survived so long, because the layout of the cards is simple but powerful. A strong energy has built up around ...
If the Moon has a lot of influence over you, this is the best moment to know the mysteries of your personal interiority and help you take the right decisions by Tarot reading of the moon
earn the basic meanings of Tarot reading through explanations of the Major Arcane, Minor Arcane and Court cards in Thirteen`s Tarot Card Meanings.