In we are creating a new Tarot deck, with exclusive footage created to transmit the feminine consciousness and energy of the New Age, that will soon see on our site as well try that may get printed
The figure in Seven of Wands is in battle. It's attacking or under attack, probably both. When we decide to adopt a position, we set in motion an energy of resistance. When we take a firm position, others do the same. The Seven of Wands is synonymous with aggression and challenge because they are two sides of the same coin. You attack; your opponent defends him strikes back; you defend.
Some battles are worth it, others only cause trouble. If you are involved in a conflict, ask yourself if it is worth fighting. Is it important? Does it have courage? Will the result serve you or others? If so, be bold and aggressive. Defend your position. Refuse to give in! If not, then consider letting the conflict go. Be honest with yourself about this. You will be tempted to maintain your position, especially if you have invested a lot of time and energy in it. Don't let battle lines draw unless it's worth fighting.
The Seven of Wands may also indicate strong convictions. To take a firm position, you must believe in your position and yourself. You will need integrity and character strength to help you. If your cause is just, use the energy of Seven of Wands to make a difference.
The Seven of Wands may also indicate a challenge for the continuity of success of a company or creative project from an external source. Even though the way to go seems to be blocked, you can overcome this challenge or obstacle by resorting to your strong self-confidence, and self-overcoming continues. It can also be overcome with effort and clarity of purpose.
This card shows the strength of convictions the consultant has, because despite the social oppositions, he is willing to confront whoever he is and fight to defend his beliefs. However, the presence of the Seven of Wands also sends a warning to one who faces a group for defending their thinking, asking if it really is worth printing all that effort in trying to impose their modes.
Think and write what concerns you. Ask open-ended questions. The Tarot will give you a response so that we can make appropriate decisions and solve problems
Love Tarot reading will help you find true love. You will be able to analyze in a better way any problems you face with your partner.
The Crossroads Tarot reading is generally used when the consultation is about an issue with two different ways to select when we are really ...
We propose a fun game for you to learn an interpreter each of the tarot cards, it is very simple and entertaining.