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King of Wands Tarot Card Meanings

Tarot King of Wands

King of Wands Tarot Card Meanings

Tarot King of Wands

The personality of the King of Wands is a combination of the positive fire energy of the Wands suit and the active and external focus of a King. He is creative and never settles for old, tired approaches. Trust their originality and let their inspirations take shape. He's enthusiastic. Take a step forward and take the initiative if the opportunity arises. Others follow him when he shows them the way with confidence.

It is forceful in achieving its objectives. He is not a silent and passive observer unless that suits his purposes. Jump and create results. It's dramatic and exciting. This King is never a wallflower, more often the center of attention. It's bold and bold. Avoid the safe and easy route because you have the energy and security to take risks and win. The King of Wands has the courage of his convictions and always believes in himself.

In the readings, the King of Wands asks you to take the kind of actions he could take. For example: creating a masterpiece, leading the way, taking risks or making a sensation. This King can also represent a man or woman who acts like him, or an atmosphere of excitement, daring and drama. In one reading, he tells you that his special energy has a meaning for you right now. Let yourself be inspired by this King in whatever form it appears in your life.

Under its influence a semblance of order is obtained. It encourages us to reach the maximum of our capacity, pushes us to our limits. It protects us, but it also expects our support in battle. He is a tribal leader, he gathers his people under one banner, urging them to demonstrate against repression and for freedom for all

In a general context, the King of Wands indicates that you will have the energy, experience and enthusiasm to achieve what you set out to do at this time. You're taking control of your life. You will motivate those around you, lead the way, and set a good example to those who admire you. You don't care about the opinion that others have of you and you dare to be different when this Minor Arcana card appears in your Tarot reading.

The King of Wands doesn't like to let emotions get in the way of enjoying life. He usually supports those around him and has learned to be lenient. However, the King of Wands can be self-centered, temperamental and controlling. However, at his best, when he is allowed his freedom, he is proud, passionate, honest, loyal, trustworthy and protective.

Suggestions Tarot King of Wands

Develops innovative ideas and projects, opens up to new areas of expertise
Create new strategies, it's original and inventive
Communicates enthusiasm, creates an atmosphere of enthusiasm
Sets the example others want to follow, instills confidence, is a natural and powerful leader
Has an imposing presence, seems to dominate the environment
Is assertive when necessary, respect is gained and voluntary compliance naturally transmits authority
Naturally becomes the focus of attention magnetically attracts others is observed, imitated and commented on
He is willing to take risks when the stakes are high, he faces the opposition directly, he dares to stand up and be different, he does not care what others think he has the courage of his convictions

Negative aspects Tarot King of Wands

Too dominant, dictatorial, rude.

keywords Tarot King of Wands

Strength, responsible, commanding power, direction, creative, inspiring, charismatic, bold




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