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Five of Cups Tarot Card Meanings

Tarot Five of Cups

Five of Cups Tarot Card Meanings

Tarot Five of Cups

Five of Cups is about losing. In this Letter, we see a figure dressed in dark color and covered with pain. He dominates the card so much that it is difficult to look beyond him. The Five of Cups refers to the moment when the pain of a loss is sharpest. This woman just looks at the cups overturned in front of her. For now, he cannot recognize the cups that are still standing. Later, when you've healed a little, you'll be able to see all that's left.

In the readings, the Five of Cups can alert you to the possibility of a loss and its associated emotions: sadness, repentance, denial. The loss can be large or small. It can be tangible (money, possession, relationship, work) or intangible (dream, opportunity, perspective, reputation). You may already know what this card represents, but if not, use it as a warning to help you avoid a loss, or at least reduce its cost.

You may feel discouraged by this card, but it has a positive side. Each loss opens up new possibilities for growth because each loss initiates change. The loss hurts because it is our emotional resistance to change. No matter how much we intellectually accept that we must go with the current, if that current separates us from what we love, our feelings say, “No!

The Five of Cups represents our dependence on others. On this card we tend to hold on too much to people's promises or words. It also embodies the disappointment suffered when reality does not match the expectations created.

When people fail to fulfill their commitments, we feel disappointed or betrayed. People are not perfect, they often promise more than they can give, but that doesn't mean they don't love him. That's why this card encourages us to look forward instead of lamenting or relying on those broken promises.

Suggestions Tarot Five of Cups

Suffering a loss, letting go of hope
Renouncing victory, experiencing a setback, being defeated
A possession taken away, feeling stripped
Break a relationship, saying goodbye, break a relationship, feeling deprived of love
Afflicted, feeling sorry, feeling repentance
Be disappointed by the events
Want to roll back the clock, wishing to change what I could have done before
Believing that he made the wrong decision, recognizing mistakes

Negative aspects Tarot Five of Cups

Disillusionment, disappointment, sadness, live in the past.

keywords Tarot Five of Cups

Lost, Grief, Lament, Trust too much in others, affectionate, be more rational.

You can see the articles on our blog about Tarot Five of Cups




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