The cards give you images and symbols to focus your vague intentions and transform them into action. Your will is the magic. In other words, you are the magic. If you can create something in your heart and then act on it to make it happen, that is magic. Very simple, very straightforward—no witches, no spells, and no broomsticks.
Our extensive collection of Tarot card decks includes a huge variety of designs and styles, so no matter your taste or your level of experience with the Tarot, there's something for everyone! Start exploring now to find the Tarot deck that speaks to you.
Immerse yourself in the captivating universe of tarot, where the past and present converge to provide you with valuable insights and spiritual guidance. On our website, we invite you to explore the diverse tarot decks and types of tarot, each with its own unique magic and wisdom. Discover how these cards can illuminate your path and enrich your spiritual journey.
On our page, we present to you a diverse selection of tarot decks, each with its own artistic style and symbolism. From the classic Rider-Waite Tarot to the evocative Egyptian Tarot and the enigmatic Angel Tarot, each deck takes you into a new world of interpretation and exploration. Explore the images and stories behind each deck to find the one that resonates with you and inspires you on your quest for self-discovery.
We also introduce you to a variety of types of tarot on our website, each designed to address specific aspects of your life and questions. Seeking concrete answers? Dive into the Yes or No Tarot. Want to explore your relationships? Discover the Love Tarot. Interested in understanding your past, present, and future? The Past, Present, and Future Tarot awaits. Whether you're looking for guidance in love, finances, career, or spirituality, our types of tarot are here to lead the way.
On our website, we encourage you to explore the different tarot decks and types of tarot available. Each card has its own voice and message, and each type of tarot has the potential to provide you with clarity and guidance on your personal journey. Allow yourself to delve into the mystery and wisdom of tarot, and discover how these cards can become allies in your quest for self-awareness and spiritual growth. Welcome to a world of possibilities and discoveries through tarot.
From traditional decks like the Rider-Waite to brand-new, modern designs, we're always adding new Tarot decks to our collection! Click on any deck below to see each Tarot card in the deck.
Ready To Find Your New Favourite Tarot Deck?
The images of this Tarot deck of great symbology that will help you refine the readings for their specific meanings.
arrow_forwardTarot of the Arcanes our own deck
Unknown author
The Tarot of Marseille is said to be one of the oracles, currently used, that is older and known to the present day. Even those who claim that its true essence is influenced by the ancient Egyptians. This deck contains clearly Egyptian, Christian and Pagan reminiscences.
arrow_forwardThe Marseilles Tarot Deck
Waite, Pamela Colman Smith
The Rider-Waite Tarot is a classic Tarot deck, perhaps the most well-known in the Western world. It is often called the first modern Tarot deck, as the cards drawn by Pamela Colman-Smith and commissioned by Waite were the first to use detailed pictures on the minor arcana cards.
Ellen Dugan
Based on the traditional Rider-Waite-Smith deck and filled with images that speak to today's magical practitioner, witchcraft takes center stage in this stunning deck designed by respected witch and psychic clairvoyant Ellen Dugan. Featuring vibrant artwork and award-winning artist Mark Evans, Witches Tarot is the perfect combination of Tarot and craft.
Marvin Lawson
Tarot with beautiful illustrations forms this original oracle inspired by angelic beings and their world. He reminds us that they have the gift of protecting us and guiding us with their eternal love.
arrow_forwardA Heavenly Host Tarot
Jaymi Elford, Franco Rivolli
The Triple Goddess Tarot is inspired by the energies of the feminine divine, the cycles of the moon, and the life cycle journey of the Maiden, Mother and Crone. The 79 cards (there are two Fool variations) are borderless and have a spare, mystical quality.
arrow_forwardTriple Goddess Tarot
In this deck we find the smiling faces of babies and their parents, reindeer, elves and Santa Claus. The colors red and green predominate, as well as the color gold. These are colors that represent the passion and feelings of the color red, the relaxation and balance of the color green and the call to fortune and the richness of the color gold
Barbara Moore
The lens of steampunk is one of wistfulness and hopefulness and this blend of technology and possibility. With its fanciful worldview where machinery and magic intersect, it is a perfect social lens through which to conceptualize the Tarot. As a social subculture, I find steampunk’s focus on design and aesthetic to be very appealing.
Marchetti by Berit Hansen
In many cards of this deck I have incorporated the use of close ups of faces. I consider that this encourages a relationship of sorts with the character, to get to know them better, inviting us to question who they are, what they are feeling or expressing
arrow_forwardMarchetti by Berit Hansen
Renata Lechner
Rich in esoteric symbolism, magically inspired, and beautifully illustrated, the Thelema Tarot is woven like an enchanting spell. Let the evocative cards of this deck be your guide as you explore the edge between light and dark, love and struggle. With deep wisdom and the levity of true inspiration, this is a reading deck for beginners and tarot adepts alike.
Stacey Demarco
This oracle captures the spiritual wisdom from the known universe: the individual energies, twinkling stars, greatest fiery suns, mysterious black holes, spinning galaxies, shining constellations, and all the planets great and small.
arrow_forwardOracle of the Universe
Ellie Goldwine
Let Maleficent, Captain Hook, and other classic baddies guide your tarot practice with the only official tarot deck featuring Disney’s most wicked villains.
arrow_forwardDisney Villains Tarot Deck
Abigail Larson
Let the citizens of Halloween Town guide your tarot practice with this sumptuously illustrated tarot deck inspired by Tim Burton’s classic film The Nightmare Before Christmas. This gift set includes a tarot altar cloth, guided notebook for reflection, and pouch to hold your cards and booklet.
arrow_forwardThe Nightmare Before Christmas Tarot
Igor Olenev. Ksenia Manuylova
The CREATOR FATUM tarot deck is one of the most professional decks with a clear elaboration of the arcana in the astral language of prophetic dreams, which is how a true tarot should be. This deck is easy to learn and easy to work with. The author of the deck plots, all descriptions and accompanying books is Igor Olenev. Artist Ksenia Manuylova.
arrow_forwardTarot Creator Fatum
Cathy McCkekkand
Cathy McClelland has always had a fascination for symbolism, nature and the mysteries of life and beyond. The tarot system seemed to blend all of these ideas together. As she became more familiar with the imagery of the tarot, she realized how universal the symbolism was within each image of the tarot. The parallel between the tarot symbolism and lessons with the cycles of one's spiritual evolution and the cycles of nature captivated Cathy.
arrow_forwardThe Star Tarot Deck
Lisa Sterle
Tarot has never looked more sophisticated and contemporary! Acclaimed illustrator Lisa Sterle marries the symbolism of the traditional Rider-Waite-Smith deck with youthful, stylish characters and items from our modern lives. With its diversity and all-female celebration of womanhood, this vibrant, fashion-forward, and colorful deck brings fun and fresh air to the tarot!
arrow_forwardThe Modern Witch Tarot Deck
Arcane Limbus
Author's deck is created as a part of the Arcane Limbus project. This deck is a part of skirmish wargame, which takes place in the mysterious setting of Limbus after the Fall of the Emperor.
arrow_forwardArcane Limbus Deck
Barbara Moore
The Tarot of the Book of Shadows, composed of two decks, is a tarot deck designed to contain and express modern pagan spiritual teachings. Pagan beliefs are broad and hardly unified, but we'll talk about that in a moment. The Major Arcana cards represent some of the basic principles of Wicca and the Arcana
Marvin Lawson
It is a tarot deck of 52 cards with beautiful images of angels, but out of synchronicity between one card to another
Ciro Marchetti
The Fin de Siecle Kipper is a set of German divination cards illustrated in Victorian style by veteran tarot artist, Ciro Marchetti. A Kipper deck is similar to Lenormand, but focuses more on people than events in its cards. This set has 39 cards: the 36 standard for a Kipper deck, plus three new additions.
arrow_forwardFin de Siecle Kipper
Antonella Castelli
Tarot created with a lot of soft color and great scene detail both in its characters and in its posadas, of a true charm and art nouveau style, reflecting with its illustrations the different emotions of the human being, perfectly merged with each of the arcana of the tarot.
arrow_forwardTarot Art Nouveau
A tarot that exudes nature, excellent deck of cards to connect with the earth and its inhabitants. Magic, Energy, Meditations, very original
Kay Steventon
The Celestial Tarot is from the author of the Spiral Tarot, Kay Steventon. The pretty, non-traditional images directly associate astrology, the planets, and the constellations with the 78 Tarot cards. Twenty-two majors are zodiacal constellations and ten planets (Pluto is counted as a planet) of astrology. Each minor suit is associated with an astrological element of fire, earth, air and water. The system includes Golden Dawn decanates, astrology, astronomy, myth and symbolism. Now available with a companion book as well as a standalone deck.
Ciro Marchetti
In Tarot Grand Luxe, Ciro Marchetti’s creative powers reach a brilliant crescendo. He has been an amazing artist from the beginning of his career in Tarot. Now he is a seasoned master of the Tarot, with a deep understanding of the occult aspects, as well as the artistic requirements, of deck design.
Arthur Wang
True Black's inspiration is timelessness. Tarot is a compendium of mankind's omnipresent hopes, fears, and dreams, and a tarot deck should feel as everlong and constant as our human nature. The figures, styling, and clothing are designed to be enigmatic in presence, unable to be placed in any specific time or place, though simultaneously colored with facets of both the past and future, an artifact of our collective consciousness.
The astonishing Titanic Tarot is designed to symbolically end the historic journey that began more than a century ago. The RMS Titanic set sail on a voyage on April 10, 1912. Just a few days later, that voyage ended abruptly for more than 1,500 passengers and crew. The deck is dedicated to the souls that were lost in the sinking of the Titanic and also to the memory of the 712 souls that survived.
DJ Conway, Lisa Hunt
Dragons are the theme of this deck and appear in every Celtic Dragon Tarot card, with or without humans. The scenes are the traditional tarot with some changes: swords are associated with fire and clubs with air
Anna Franklin & Paul Mason
The Sacred Circle Tarot is a deck of seventy-eight cards based on the pagan heritage of Britain and Ireland, their sacred rites, and the symbolic images of their tradition. The work is a mixture of drawings, photographs and computer generated images.
arrow_forwardTarot of the Sacred Circle
Peter Paul Connolly
The Connolly Tarot is a set of 78 pretty vibrant and vivid cards. They have kinder and gentler tarot images with Christian influence. The author has also toned down two scary cards in the deck: Death is now Transition and the Devil is Materialism.
Hay House Inc
This 78-card tarot deck is a healing tool and guide to explore both the light and shadow sides of our nature. By reimagining the traditional tarot archetypes and symbols in a contemporary, boho, and intuitive style, The Light Seer's Tarot expresses the light and shadow sides of our natures and explores the lessons that can be learned from both.
arrow_forwardLight Seers Tarot
The Osho Zen Tarot is not a tarot like the others. It is not oriented towards the past or the future, like those, but focuses on capturing and understanding the here and now. The Osho Zen Tarot is a system based on Zen wisdom, which affirms that the events of the outside world are always a reflection of what we think or feel, even when we are not aware of our thoughts or feelings.
The Egyptian tarot is one of the oldest in existence, in fact, it is said that the reading of the Egyptian tarot became a way of understanding the occult and the art of divination. The Egyptian tarot is said to be more realistic than the other types of tarot, so much so that it feels like the card image jumps out of you, making it easy for readers to read and interpret.
Norbert Lösche
Fascinating tarot created by Norbert Lösche, which mixes reality with fiction, in a modern and conceptual climate, with styles similar to the Waite rider tarot, it shows us a tarot full of details with extra characters in each of the sticks of great color and perfect harmony with the arcana of the tarot.
Pamela Matthews
Oracle Cards designed by Pamela Matthews. A tour of the different manifestations of La Diosa, represented by different cultures and different religious paths.
arrow_forwardGoddesses of the New Light
Chatriya Hemharnvibul
Spectacular Tarot, perfectly designed with a very elaborate border and with beautiful illustrations. In this work the elements of mythology are detailed art deco and also symbolize Japanese art.
Ciro Marchetti
'Gilded Tarot', is a simple but exciting Tarot, created by Ciro Marchetti, with deep and intense colors, almost metallic, each card will have you looking at the images on several occasions.
Karen Marie Sweikhardt
The Moon Garden Tarot is a feminine, magical and romantic Tarot with a symbolic and mystical expression that reflects the elements of moon magic.
arrow_forwardTarot Moon Garden
Josef Machynka
Ibis Tarot presents Egyptian figures, symbols and hieroglyphs with beautiful landscapes, and is based on the designs published in the book Practical Astrology by Comte C. de Saint-Germain.
Zach Wong
The Revelations Tarot deck has imagery that is reminiscent of a stained glass window. The depictions are beautifully illustrated and double-ended, each displaying an upright and reversed image in the center of the card.
arrow_forwardRevelations Tarot
Annie Ruygt and Carrie Mallon
The Spacious Tarot is more than a deck of cards. It is an energetic realm, beckoning you to enter and explore.
El Yazay
Focused on the recognition of parallel and high energies that are part of our reality, it consists of 78 letters representing seraphim, cherubs, thrones, dominations, virtues, powers, principalities, messengers, angels and archangels.
Ciro Marchetti
'Tarot of Dreams' It is a Tarot created by Ciro Marchetti, with vivid colors and really precious art. Undoubtedly a deck that can be really appreciated to look carefully and find its meaning, without a doubt they cannot stop seeing it.
Antonella Castelli
The angels that appear on the cover follow the structure described in the texts of the Medieval Christian Gnostic Tradition, where there are 72 guardian angels divided into nine choirs of eight angels each.
arrow_forwardAngel Voices Oracle
Vanessa Decort
The Sun and Moon Tarot deck playfully incorporates mythology and astrology, bringing a unique interpretation to the traditional Tarot that is both insightful and accessible.
Infused with a wildly eclectic spirit, The Muse Tarot will illuminate your path towards inspiration and magic with its bright symbolism and powerful Muse energy. The suits are recast as Emotions (Cups), Inspiration (Wands), Voices (Swords), and Materials (Pentacles) to deliver messages from the source of creation. The detailed guidebook contains card meanings, poetry, and word prompts to offer insight into your readings while stoking the sparks of your creativity. Ignite the Muse within!
One of the most enriching readings and for free. It provides specific advice on each subject: love, health, work, trips, business, relationships, money and so forth. Get it now
The Today`s Tarot will give you an idea of what your day might look like today. If you don`t like what it has to say, maybe changing your mindset to something more positive or ...
The analysis of any subject, when time plays an important role, can be carried out through this specific tarot reading.
Kabbalah tarot reading is a group of mystical concepts that precede any religions and it is considered a revelation from God to mankind.