Fascinating tarot created by Norbert Lösche, which mixes reality with fiction, in a modern and conceptual climate, with styles similar to the Waite rider tarot, it shows us a tarot full of details with extra characters in each of the sticks of great color and perfect harmony with the arcana of the tarot.
A Tarot without time and without a place of reference, full of almost dreamlike fantasy, while reflecting life as a crude paradox: on the one hand it is illusion and on the other vivid reality; sometimes hard, sometimes wonderful; sometimes I dream and sometimes a nightmare.
The fascinating and intricate scenes, rich in detail, lead us to remote and legendary cultures, tropical or desert landscapes, volcanoes and snowy peaks, sumptuous palaces and dying cities.
Click on each card to see it in detail
Astrology studies the position and movement of stars. Thanks to their understanding and surveillance, we can establish a relationship between what happens in the sky
The Ascendant sign expresses personality. It is an important feature because it shows the behavior that is learned, as well as the way we are perceived by others