A breakup or a great loneliness that is followed by great happiness.
It would be so.
alternative interpretations, such as a fight whose reconciliation involves marriage or conception of a child or
a tough therapy that manages to heal the couple.
Transfer of residence, start of a new life.
The archetypal meaning of these cards is linked to the person's interest in knowing their own destiny and following it until they achieve their dreams.
On the World chart, time has a precious place in the line of life and, of course, reveals something much deeper than the superfluous sense of the material and the mundane.
It is about the detachment and acceptance of people in the face of changes and the way in which life is transformed, which is precisely the cosmic message on which the arcane of Death is fixed.
The combination of this tarot roll reveals a very clear message about the beginning and the end, inviting the person to move away from the past or let go of bad experiences in order to transform from the heart.
They reveal the feelings of a person who recognizes himself to be very idealistic or dedicated to love, who must stop to prioritize and consider self-love first and foremost, and accept ruptures and separations, or move away from those bonds if they are not really providing him with meaningful experiences.
Crises are overcome, which lead the person to remain alone and distant.
Frailty and emotional weakness are expressed.
We fear a change that is actually good. An Unexpected Change It takes us away from being loved
Likes everything but is afraid to show it openly.
Death is a card of transformation. There is a definitive break with the past, there is a new start before us. This change can be traumatic if we oppose it, as happened to the king in the letter represented in the Rider-Waite deck. Or it can be a change in some way desired or accepted, such as succeeds the bishop in the same representation. There is no doubt that the Death card can mean the death of a person, or a serious illness. It doesn't have to be the consultant himself, more normally he will refer to a person from their environment. A change of city, leaving one job and starting a totally different one, ending a relationship that caused discomfort, these are typical situations in which the Death card can appear.
Don't hold on to old positions. A transformation is needed. Places: Cemeteries, mausoleums, crypts, caves.
Number 40, Runa Ansuz (the spirit), Hebrew letter Mem (the man), astrological element SATURN, color light brown
It is, together with the Sun, the luckiest card in the deck and the most comforting. The World Card is coming to show us the success of our projects. We are working on something that will be successful complete. Depending on the consultation, success can be of different types: the birth of a child, a relationship that ends in marriage, getting a job, a promotion. This is an achievement for the future, not just any one but one of great magnitude, which will make us feel completely happy. Unlike the Letter of the Star, in which good news is predicted, here the message is more resounding. This is not good news, but rather the full achievement of our work and merits carried out during so long. The World is the perfect card when you want to know if you will be completely recovered from an illness: so it will be.
You have nothing to fear. The path taken is the best.
Number 300, Runa Hagall (Circle containing energy), Hebrew letter Shin (Flame), element astrological TAURUS, light green color.
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