End of a cycle.
Termination of a contract.
A small crisis of
difficult solution.
Not being able to avoid a breakup or a bad drink, maybe just soften it up.
Black magic.
This is a very energetic combination that indicates radical and absolute changes in the circumstances and life situations of those who consult the letters.
The Wizard and Death announce the energies needed for the transformation of ways of thinking, attitudes and spiritual beliefs that will allow us to begin new and fruitful cycles.
The astrological associations of these arcana with the planets Mercury and Jupiter indicate that for the consultant a fighting mentality and attitude will always be distinguished.
These cards represent the archetype of a man or woman who, with aspirations, great ideas and inspiration, tries to transform their life and most of the circumstances around them.
It refers to situations that will be avoided, and that could have generated great problems, in addition to restoring well-being in the area of your life that you have wondered about.
They also represent, The Wizard and Death together, different forms of communication that are presented with the intention of helping to improve the environment of tension and misunderstanding, correcting things in a significant way.
Very dangerous manipulator. A lying person causes a crisis in our life. Is relationships a sign of an end also with total lack of communication or also a natural end, which It happens without talking about it, but those two people start to stop talking and it is assumed that the relationship is Cut off without speaking it clearly
A person is betraying their partner or hiding something from them. Indicate that we are going coming out little by little from a hard moment or from a great loss, thanks to our will.
Death is a card of transformation. There is a definitive break with the past, there is a new start before us. This change can be traumatic if we oppose it, as happened to the king in the letter represented in the Rider-Waite deck. Or it can be a change in some way desired or accepted, such as succeeds the bishop in the same representation. There is no doubt that the Death card can mean the death of a person, or a serious illness. It doesn't have to be the consultant himself, more normally he will refer to a person from their environment. A change of city, leaving one job and starting a totally different one, ending a relationship that caused discomfort, these are typical situations in which the Death card can appear.
Don't hold on to old positions. A transformation is needed. Places: Cemeteries, mausoleums, crypts, caves.
Number 40, Runa Ansuz (the spirit), Hebrew letter Mem (the man), astrological element SATURN, color light brown
Everything in the first of the twenty-two major arcana, marked by the element Fire, seems to speak of creative impulse, of initial energy, of rapid and almost immediate action. Indeed, it embodies the ideal Renaissance of the man architect and owner of his own destiny, capable of dominating matter thanks to the use intelligent of the psychic force. Symbol of a strong and defined personality, which represents someone willing to face everything, skillfully and with ease of speech. You can also refer to everything type of initiatives that will bring future success. Its qualities are diplomacy, agility, spontaneity and speed. Someone who is fully aware of what he's doing.
Be confident in your abilities and follow the momentum without hesitation. Don't uselessly waste a precious time. Venues: Streets, squares, stadiums, sports fields, workshops.
Number 1, Runa Mannaz (the conscious self), Hebrew letter Alef (the man), astrological element THE SUN (the raw material from the alchemists), golden color.
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earn the basic meanings of Tarot reading through explanations of the Major Arcane, Minor Arcane and Court cards in Thirteen`s Tarot Card Meanings.
Select which Tarot card the following description corresponds to