Overcoming obstacles; tumultuous affirmation before public opinion.
finally answered.
Overall triumph.
Triumph over adversity, complete affirmation, success, a
old request will be answered.
The combination tells us that we have been through a somewhat apathetic period.
In which we didn't do anything and we had little incentive.
Now situations appear that are going to us
cause great happiness and will fill us with enthusiasm and joy.
They indicate a stable and solid love that we
will make you happy.
Love: If you don't have a partner, talk about the fact that after a period of paralysis and loneliness on the romantic plane,
a person appears with whom you establish an emotional bond that will make you very happy.
If you already have a partner
speaks of absolute rapport and no marital problems.
Money: At the monetary level, it is also a great omen, it indicates successes and profits.
Our Savings
they will begin to have more validity, investments will begin to become more profitable.
Economic situation
stable and very favorable to us.
Work: If you don't have a job, give us a contract for a job that will make us very happy and that was
exactly what we were looking for.
If you have it, it can talk about a promotion, or a new situation that you
it will make you feel safe and with economic peace of mind.
Health: If we are sick it speaks of absolute healing, if we are healthy it speaks of that it will continue
Indicate yes, for a while, since he himself will look for you when you need.
Fears caused by bad advice or rumors are overcome and it comes to fruition a happy relationship. Envy is overcome and success is achieved.
A woman takes us away from what we want with bad arts.
It is, together with the Sun, the luckiest card in the deck and the most comforting. The World Card is coming to show us the success of our projects. We are working on something that will be successful complete. Depending on the consultation, success can be of different types: the birth of a child, a relationship that ends in marriage, getting a job, a promotion. This is an achievement for the future, not just any one but one of great magnitude, which will make us feel completely happy. Unlike the Letter of the Star, in which good news is predicted, here the message is more resounding. This is not good news, but rather the full achievement of our work and merits carried out during so long. The World is the perfect card when you want to know if you will be completely recovered from an illness: so it will be.
You have nothing to fear. The path taken is the best.
Number 300, Runa Hagall (Circle containing energy), Hebrew letter Shin (Flame), element astrological TAURUS, light green color.
The letter of the Priestess usually has the meaning of a withdrawal from material world into one's own interior, to reflection and study. The references to fertility are numerous and it bodes very well for those seeking to stay. pregnant women. A pregnancy is an exit from the world into one's own interior: for a woman in her state A new world is within them. The letter is the one from the study: concerns about exams, reading of texts or books. The letter always suggests effort and staying away from distractions. In an emotional matter, the Priestess evokes a time of solitude in which a woman of form Volunteer decides to dispense with romantic relationships. She has to be reunited with herself. The letter is that of secrets that must be kept at all costs. The High Priestess is a woman who knows how to keep the confidants transmitted to him. As a person she is a maternal figure or even that of a grandmother. The Priestess can be a lonely woman, without a partner. This letter carries a great message for those who suffer from dreams or nightmares repeated. It invokes the spiritual search for the ultimate meanings of those dreamlike manifestations. “What is it that your unconscious is hiding”? asks us, “seek to know yourself”, it encourages us. The repeated appearance of the major arcane The priestess may be wanting to indicate the need for engage in some kind of disciplined spiritual activity, such as meditation.
The consultant must be guided by his intuition and act discreetly.
Number 2, Runa Uruz (The Fertilizing Energy), Hebrew letter Beth (the house), astrological element THE MOON, light gray color.
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