And it's a pretty bad relationship, it indicates that lack of communication can lead to a breakup or to
do not unite with the loved one.
Sadness or depression, hospitalization or imprisonment: tragic confinement.
In love
deep crisis.
The Hermit and The Tower represent great changes that lie ahead and the preparation for them.
Life: Preparation, sudden change, chaos, seeing tranquility.
Love: sudden breakup, loss, drama, pause to avoid further harm, take a break
Career: job loss, reduced salary, mistakes at work, needing to go through your job with care, reminders to stay calm
Health: sudden illness or injury, working too much, needing to change to a more mentally focused way of life
You are called to recognize both the chaos that surrounds you and the delicate light of hope that you have the power to turn into a much brighter guide to calmer seas.
A person resists their feelings and loses the chance to be happy.
A person who has difficulty getting out of a problem because they don't ask for help.
It is possibly the most negative card in the entire Tarot. Rarely will the Tower card have a positive meaning. This is a difficult letter. It indicates the rapid and definitive change in a relationship from someone who once was loved. It indicates divorce, infidelity, a large number of sexual problems, venereal diseases, and probably impotence. This is one of the most problematic cards and it would be better if it never appeared! This letter can be summarized as “The End of the World as You Know It”. Something quite negative will probably happen: an accident, the death of a family member, being fired from work, a painful emotional break. At best, the letter warns of the abrupt end of something, which might not be positive. You can it is the termination of a stormy love relationship, or an illness that forces a operation. In some cases the final result may be positive (even very positive) but so In general, this is an abrupt and unwanted change. You may also want to refer to a sudden burst of energy. The figure of the Tower has sexual connotations and can refer to the explosion with which orgasm comes.
Avoid any risky attempts. Danger in sight: Turn back and start from zero quickly to avoid the worst. Places: Ruins, walls, remains of old castles.
Number 70, Runa Fehu (Primal Energy), Hebrew letter Hayin (Providence), Aries astrological element, Vermilion color
The letter has a clear meaning and with few possible variations. Reflection. On the one hand, the hermit's journey to knowledge and to the interior of oneself. It's It is necessary to open a period of reflection, which may be preceded or accompanied by a distance of others, necessary to achieve enlightenment. It can refer to a crisis in which we must dive headlong and confront our problems. The hermit suggests the path to follow: reflection, patience and humility. Loneliness. In relationships, it may indicate a period of loneliness. Either because it requires a Rest time for a couple, or a time in life when one should be able to lead one's life without supports. Selfishness. The hermit's letter can also refer to selfish attitudes and in which it is of living with one's back to others. As a person, you can represent an older man, normally an old man. Can be a teacher that he transmits his knowledge to us. Or a father who is too unloving.
Be wary of rash actions; be prudent and circumspect towards people and associations. Take time and reflect before you act.
Number 9, Runa Isa (freezing), Hebrew letter Teth (Well hidden), astrological element NEPTUNE, green emerald.
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