Confusion will make an appearance in your emotional relationships.
For more than
combat the catastrophic events will ensue.
Material setbacks will be more difficult to
In money, it indicates a business or investment that is good in itself but that is poorly executed and fails.
It indicates a disappointment after a happy time.
Relationship break.
The Empress next to La Torre tells us about the fall of our pride in the power we emit.
It tells us that we will have stumbling blocks, especially in the field of work, since we will be overwhelmed by unwanted situations that will burst into force and force us to restart the project again.
We will resume the project again to achieve the desired goal, leaving the situation successful, we will have learned from defeat.
It warns us that we should be careful with fractures and the bone system in general.
Affective frustration, breakup.
Woman who betrays.
It is possibly the most negative card in the entire Tarot. Rarely will the Tower card have a positive meaning. This is a difficult letter. It indicates the rapid and definitive change in a relationship from someone who once was loved. It indicates divorce, infidelity, a large number of sexual problems, venereal diseases, and probably impotence. This is one of the most problematic cards and it would be better if it never appeared! This letter can be summarized as “The End of the World as You Know It”. Something quite negative will probably happen: an accident, the death of a family member, being fired from work, a painful emotional break. At best, the letter warns of the abrupt end of something, which might not be positive. You can it is the termination of a stormy love relationship, or an illness that forces a operation. In some cases the final result may be positive (even very positive) but so In general, this is an abrupt and unwanted change. You may also want to refer to a sudden burst of energy. The figure of the Tower has sexual connotations and can refer to the explosion with which orgasm comes.
Avoid any risky attempts. Danger in sight: Turn back and start from zero quickly to avoid the worst. Places: Ruins, walls, remains of old castles.
Number 70, Runa Fehu (Primal Energy), Hebrew letter Hayin (Providence), Aries astrological element, Vermilion color
If the Priestess is a somewhat cold and internalized woman, the Emperatriz is an energetic and strong woman. It is associated with the explosion of vitality of adolescence, in that one discovers one's sexual potency and one's situation in the world. As a woman she is a couple, not a mother or a friend. Sometimes she may seem cold, but that's because her role as Queen requires a model behavior. But inside she is a woman with very warm blood and overflowing vitality. She is a very active and vital woman, she can represent just that: we are in a moment of our life in which we are required to act decisively and forcefully. It's a very feminine card, but in the Marseille Tarot Jodorowsky, Jodorowsky highlights her masculine attributes, like a walnut: in most femininity there is something masculine and vice versa. The Ying and the Yang. Regarding pregnancies, it is the letter that can give the most certainty about their achievement. She is a fertile woman, who of life. The Empress is the card of a social person, with many friends and always aware of meet with each other. Everyone is counting on it. It is related to motherhood, marriage, but also with the power of synthesis, fertility, the concordance between what you think, what you feel and what which is done, in short, with applied intelligence and the materialization of projects in reality. The Empress teaches us to love. It is love that makes our lives develop and grow. Your one and only The end is to love for the pure pleasure of loving. Perfect love acts without thinking about love. She is the Goddess of Love unconditional. Without it, everything would be bleak and lifeless. Instead of darkness and doom, the Empress fills our life of feelings and emotions, of joy, happiness and satisfaction. It is the elixir of eternal life
If you act quickly, avoiding laziness and indecision, everything will work out just fine. Places: Schools, libraries, institutes, offices, shops, botanical gardens
Number 3, runa Berkana (fertility), Hebrew letter Guimel (The Camel), astrological element EARTH, Dark blue color.
Think and write what concerns you. Ask open-ended questions. The Tarot will give you a response so that we can make appropriate decisions and solve problems
The Crossroads Tarot reading is generally used when the consultation is about an issue with two different ways to select when we are really ...
The analysis of any subject, when time plays an important role, can be carried out through this specific tarot reading.
Select which Tarot card the following description corresponds to