Defeat, an experience that teaches us to be more humble.
Success followed by failure.
The relationship is in crisis.
Adverse circumstances, bad news.
Delayed trip or with serious difficulties.
The Tarot warns that adverse periods are coming, which bring events of confusion and catastrophes.
The cards foreshadow excessive acceleration and stumbling in your actions, which bring, as a result, negative endings.
You should be prudent and moderate, to succeed in every complicated circumstance.
Conflicting days are coming, with discord and couples in crisis.
The relationship breaks down.
Since The Tower is behind the Car, it predicts adverse circumstances, bad news, or something we had succeeded in that will collapse.
It is defeat, the experience that teaches us to be more humble.
It's a success followed by a failure.
It can also be a postponed trip or one with serious difficulties.
In love, if we have a partner, it tells us that we have a crisis and that we are going in the direction of a breakup.
If we don't have love, for now it won't come to us, and it tells us that we have to close the door that we still have open before asking for a new love.
At work, if we have a job, bad times lie ahead, including a layoff.
If we don't have a job, it can have two meanings, one that doesn't come soon, and another that we're going to find work in a big company or a hospital.
Personally, he is a person who is emotionally broken.
Although she is very impulsive, right now she is so unwell that she can't or doesn't want anything.
In the economy, either this one is going to crash, or we're going to spend money at home, even buying a house.
A stumble that doesn't destroy love
Our behavior causes us to lose the loved one.
Dangerous relationship.
It is possibly the most negative card in the entire Tarot. Rarely will the Tower card have a positive meaning. This is a difficult letter. It indicates the rapid and definitive change in a relationship from someone who once was loved. It indicates divorce, infidelity, a large number of sexual problems, venereal diseases, and probably impotence. This is one of the most problematic cards and it would be better if it never appeared! This letter can be summarized as “The End of the World as You Know It”. Something quite negative will probably happen: an accident, the death of a family member, being fired from work, a painful emotional break. At best, the letter warns of the abrupt end of something, which might not be positive. You can it is the termination of a stormy love relationship, or an illness that forces a operation. In some cases the final result may be positive (even very positive) but so In general, this is an abrupt and unwanted change. You may also want to refer to a sudden burst of energy. The figure of the Tower has sexual connotations and can refer to the explosion with which orgasm comes.
Avoid any risky attempts. Danger in sight: Turn back and start from zero quickly to avoid the worst. Places: Ruins, walls, remains of old castles.
Number 70, Runa Fehu (Primal Energy), Hebrew letter Hayin (Providence), Aries astrological element, Vermilion color
It symbolizes the man who, by the effect of his will, has managed to dominate the oppositions and has unified contrary trends. We are here in the field of personal action located in space and the weather. Fatality has been overcome; man has chosen, has taken care of himself and is the master victorious who marches head-on. Many times The car will appear, surprisingly, at times when that we are hardened by the anguish of believing that what we fight for will never be seen crowned with triumph. But if The Car shows up, it will always have its reasons; it's probably there encouraging us to continue in the same direction, not to abandon our efforts. The Chariot also represents the control of the human mind over animal passions and instinct, or more esoterically, the Higher Self over lower egos and psychological aggregates. It helps to overcome fears and complexes, and to overcome in our situations. In a print run, it can tell us that things will go faster than we expected. Often it merely indicates speed or also changes such as removals or trips, or even CELEBRATIONS.
Fight courageously and conscientiously to defend your rights. Places: The Overseas, the distant lands, the colonies, the Faculty of Languages and the Faculty of Philosophy, the import offices and export, airports, gyms, sports fields, racing circuits.
Number 7 (It is the most positive number of all, it is never negative and in all philosophies and religions it has a very important symbology), Runa Kenaz (The Fire), Hebrew letter Zayin (sword), astrological element SAGITTARIUS, turquoise color.
Think and write what concerns you. Ask open-ended questions. The Tarot will give you a response so that we can make appropriate decisions and solve problems
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