Futile efforts, exhaustion, energy waste, energy losses, despite
in our efforts, a relationship breaks down.
We are defeated in a test or challenge and we learn a lesson.
The Force, next to La Torre, tells us about the end of something that we thought we had well tied up.
An avalanche of unforeseen events will harm ourselves and others, for not having acted with serenity and firmness.
We will simply have passively resisted, perhaps, what we wanted to win, it was time.
It indicates a negative result that will allow us to resume our journey in a new direction.
Our emotional relationships and with our circle of friends will be in identical situations.
For all these reasons, we must direct all our efforts towards the reconstruction of our professional, family and emotional values.
Patience and prudence are recommended.
A matter that does not progress, a rupture is avoided
Relationship that is destroyed by lack of passion.
Social disorders, fire hazard.
It is possibly the most negative card in the entire Tarot. Rarely will the Tower card have a positive meaning. This is a difficult letter. It indicates the rapid and definitive change in a relationship from someone who once was loved. It indicates divorce, infidelity, a large number of sexual problems, venereal diseases, and probably impotence. This is one of the most problematic cards and it would be better if it never appeared! This letter can be summarized as “The End of the World as You Know It”. Something quite negative will probably happen: an accident, the death of a family member, being fired from work, a painful emotional break. At best, the letter warns of the abrupt end of something, which might not be positive. You can it is the termination of a stormy love relationship, or an illness that forces a operation. In some cases the final result may be positive (even very positive) but so In general, this is an abrupt and unwanted change. You may also want to refer to a sudden burst of energy. The figure of the Tower has sexual connotations and can refer to the explosion with which orgasm comes.
Avoid any risky attempts. Danger in sight: Turn back and start from zero quickly to avoid the worst. Places: Ruins, walls, remains of old castles.
Number 70, Runa Fehu (Primal Energy), Hebrew letter Hayin (Providence), Aries astrological element, Vermilion color
The meaning of this card is quite clear: strength in every possible sense. This is a person, probably The Consultant, who has the energy needed to lead others, start projects, create a forward movement. Courage and energy are its main attributes. The Force manages to unite mind and body, satisfy both, unite them and bring them together to achieve their objectives. This letter also refers to the most animal instincts in human beings: aggressiveness and sexuality and lust. The Force card can be seen as the sum of the Wizard and the sensuality of the Empress. It can alert you to a great desire to start a sexual relationship, to let yourself be abandoned by the senses. Of course, the menu for animal lovers, especially felines, also fits. The letter usually warns of the need to act without delay, without fear or absurd doubts. Advice from the Arcanum: Act alone, without hesitation; decide forcefully, wary of the protection of the powerful. Venues: Theaters, stages, places facing south, hot countries, deserts, sunny beaches, castles, parks. AFFECTIVE PLANE: Passion and tenacity in feelings, love, courtship, wedding, constructive insertion in a group or in a family. The consultant should have no doubt about the fidelity and sincerity of your partner. Intense and satisfying sexual activity. PROFESSIONAL LEVEL: New professional relationships are expected for the future; team activities, professions related to tourism and entertainment. Even if the work is heavy, it will be necessary try your best, without stopping trying anything. ECONOMIC PLAN: Commercial successes, lucky speculations, gambling profits. It is recommended persevere in negotiations or invest capital in gold or actions related to tourism and show. Decisions that must be taken without delay. HEALTH: Excellent health, energy that circulates well, vitality, resistance to disease. PERSONAL TYPE: An intrepid, disciplined and fair person between the ages of twenty and forty; an influential woman, willing to offer her help. A celebrity, an actor, an artist, a boss, a leader, a judge, an arbitrator. Children, teenagers, young people.
Number 20, Runa Tyr (victory), Hebrew letter Caf (power), astrological element LEO, color orange brilliant.
Think and write what concerns you. Ask open-ended questions. The Tarot will give you a response so that we can make appropriate decisions and solve problems
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