Impostor or charlatan who will be unmasked.
Advise prudence and patience to achieve
our objectives, Or not to brag about success, or that everything that glitters (an impostor) is not gold, or to enjoy
of what you already have and don't ask for more.
The Hermit and The Sun offer those who walk among them the radiant light of beauty and light.
You feel alive and enthusiastic to share your hopes with others.
Life: Attractive force, eager to share ideas, excited for a fresh start
Love: Loving, a good listener, inspires lovers to be their best.
Career: fast-paced career, well-deserved recognition, passed exams and polished skills
Health: Energetic, consistent, prefers to be alone in practice.
You have a sensible head on your shoulders that has ignited the flame of success.
You use this to share your passion with those around you,.
Our relationship is going through problems
He asks us not to rest on the laurels of success and not to take everything for granted, now What still needs to be done
It is, together with the World, the luckiest card in the deck and the most comforting. The Sun is a chart of achievement of our projects. Good luck illuminates our destiny and in the next steps we will be illuminated by the light that blesses our path. El Sol warns about successful projects, the signing of professional agreements that are very favorable to our interests. It is also a card that refers to marital happiness. The relationship with our partner will work much better than now. It can refer to children and to happiness with and thanks to them. A positive time is before us. The Sun smiles at us, we should not be afraid. Finally, it can refer to the way out of a time of darkness, exultant recovery after some moments that we can consider negative. It can simply refer to a trip close to the Sun, perhaps a vacation on the beach.
Enjoy your joy to the full and don't create any cause for concern. Places: Places open, exposed to the sun, deserts, beaches.
Number 100, Sigel Rune (Victory), Hebrew letter Cof (axe), astrological element GEMINI, color one flame of fire or the akasha.
The letter has a clear meaning and with few possible variations. Reflection. On the one hand, the hermit's journey to knowledge and to the interior of oneself. It's It is necessary to open a period of reflection, which may be preceded or accompanied by a distance of others, necessary to achieve enlightenment. It can refer to a crisis in which we must dive headlong and confront our problems. The hermit suggests the path to follow: reflection, patience and humility. Loneliness. In relationships, it may indicate a period of loneliness. Either because it requires a Rest time for a couple, or a time in life when one should be able to lead one's life without supports. Selfishness. The hermit's letter can also refer to selfish attitudes and in which it is of living with one's back to others. As a person, you can represent an older man, normally an old man. Can be a teacher that he transmits his knowledge to us. Or a father who is too unloving.
Be wary of rash actions; be prudent and circumspect towards people and associations. Take time and reflect before you act.
Number 9, Runa Isa (freezing), Hebrew letter Teth (Well hidden), astrological element NEPTUNE, green emerald.
We all have or have had inside us unresolved feelings even though sometimes we are not aware of them. Inconveniences, difficulties and complications ...
If the Moon has a lot of influence over you, this is the best moment to know the mysteries of your personal interiority and help you take the right decisions by Tarot reading of the moon
Kabbalah tarot reading is a group of mystical concepts that precede any religions and it is considered a revelation from God to mankind.
earn the basic meanings of Tarot reading through explanations of the Major Arcane, Minor Arcane and Court cards in Thirteen`s Tarot Card Meanings.