Person involved in the world of the occult.
It can be a lot of things, between
They say that the loved one is keeping a secret or that it is better not to start a relationship with someone.
Only you
Warn of the possibility of someone cheating on you.
You've been a long time without taking cards in the
an issue that worries you and you have acted very passively.
That has led you to a situation of
confusion and loss of self that you can't see a way out of it.
The Tarot tells you that you should look for how much
before the light that illuminates your path again.
You can also talk about extrasensory powers.
witch, seer, artist, etc.
Love magic or motherhood.
Love: Talks about serious emotional problems.
If you already have a partner, tell us deceptions, lies and a
very hidden life.
There is no communication and there is little knowledge of one another.
If you don't have a partner
He talks about confused feelings, idealism, excessive demands and platonic loves that never
they materialize in nothing.
Money: Period of uncertainty.
Be careful because it also talks about possible scams, in any
This case usually heralds a time when we will not know very well what is going on with our assets.
Work: If you already have a job, talk about isolation in the workplace and little communication with
You're not comfortable where you work.
If you don't have a job, then talk about a period of confusion
in which there are no prospects of finding employment.
Health: Problems related to depression, downturns and general sadness.
Woman who suffers from deep disappointment.
The letter of the Priestess usually has the meaning of a withdrawal from material world into one's own interior, to reflection and study. The references to fertility are numerous and it bodes very well for those seeking to stay. pregnant women. A pregnancy is an exit from the world into one's own interior: for a woman in her state A new world is within them. The letter is the one from the study: concerns about exams, reading of texts or books. The letter always suggests effort and staying away from distractions. In an emotional matter, the Priestess evokes a time of solitude in which a woman of form Volunteer decides to dispense with romantic relationships. She has to be reunited with herself. The letter is that of secrets that must be kept at all costs. The High Priestess is a woman who knows how to keep the confidants transmitted to him. As a person she is a maternal figure or even that of a grandmother. The Priestess can be a lonely woman, without a partner. This letter carries a great message for those who suffer from dreams or nightmares repeated. It invokes the spiritual search for the ultimate meanings of those dreamlike manifestations. “What is it that your unconscious is hiding”? asks us, “seek to know yourself”, it encourages us. The repeated appearance of the major arcane The priestess may be wanting to indicate the need for engage in some kind of disciplined spiritual activity, such as meditation.
The consultant must be guided by his intuition and act discreetly.
Number 2, Runa Uruz (The Fertilizing Energy), Hebrew letter Beth (the house), astrological element THE MOON, light gray color.
Enemies. The Moon is the card of the occult, the unknown and the unknown. It may in that sense reflect deception, concealments, lies, hidden enemies. But also refer to the world of the unconscious: forces psychics who escape reason and who get us out of control. Inner fears. The Moon represents our fears or false illusions: to the dark, to the night, to animals, ourselves. It's easy to lose our way in the moonlight. Make sure that the disappointments and false ideas don't guide your path. Sometimes the Moon is a sign that you are lost and wandering around without courage. You must find your firm path and clarity in your purpose. Psychism. It is a very feminine card, indicating behavior sometimes irrational, always very emotional, of women when they are under pressure. This emotionality and superior capacity can to be exploited in the world of the sciences of the soul: visions that escape reason, the psyche, the clairvoyance. Long trips. The letter may refer to a long-distance trip across the sea. The consequences in They themselves are unknown. The night. The letter refers to everything related to the night. It can mean, in that sense, to know your partner on a night out, or that it's a person who works at night. Motherhood. It is a maternity letter and can indicate pregnancies. It is very difficult to convey the true meaning of the Arcanum THE MOON. Not because it is very complicated in itself, but because the interlocutor easily refuses to accept that Your feelings have played tricks on you
Rely on intuition. Observe, listen and know how to be silent. Locations: Town Halls, public places, museums, bars, restaurants, hotels. Thermal establishments or spas. Places dark, disreputable. Rainy regions, marine locations, oceans, rivers, lakes, ponds; roads, beaches, breakwaters.
Number 90, Runa Algiz and Othel (Protection), Hebrew letter Tsade (the roof), astrological element CANCER, color WHITE.
Love Tarot reading will help you find true love. You will be able to analyze in a better way any problems you face with your partner.
Tarot reading in favor and against shows the two different ways that a given situation has and which aspects are in favor and which ones are against
Kabbalah tarot reading is a group of mystical concepts that precede any religions and it is considered a revelation from God to mankind.
Select which Tarot card the following description corresponds to