This combination usually means that we are in a situation of blockade, but
that from now on we are going to take charge of our destiny and we will begin to move forward.
At least,
It advises you to stop seeing things passively, and to start taking a more active role in
It would be so.
She is a woman in love who knows what she wants and is reciprocated.
Love: In love it talks about the fact that we are finally going to go after the person we like, or maybe we
Warn us of the need to say what we feel.
If we already have a partner, it indicates fluidity, sympathy and in general
a relationship that is moving forward and has a future.
Health: Iron health, although perhaps the Tarot is warning us that we should be more extroverted, the
loneliness or introspection is hurting you.
Money: Our savings are profitable, significant economic advances.
We will increase our
profits thanks to our efforts.
Work: We are in a stagnant situation that is now starting to gain movement,
job growth, success in general.
Unstable relationship. Inverted priestess and empress, a woman in need to be more courageous in love.
Person who meddles in our relationship.
The letter of the Priestess usually has the meaning of a withdrawal from material world into one's own interior, to reflection and study. The references to fertility are numerous and it bodes very well for those seeking to stay. pregnant women. A pregnancy is an exit from the world into one's own interior: for a woman in her state A new world is within them. The letter is the one from the study: concerns about exams, reading of texts or books. The letter always suggests effort and staying away from distractions. In an emotional matter, the Priestess evokes a time of solitude in which a woman of form Volunteer decides to dispense with romantic relationships. She has to be reunited with herself. The letter is that of secrets that must be kept at all costs. The High Priestess is a woman who knows how to keep the confidants transmitted to him. As a person she is a maternal figure or even that of a grandmother. The Priestess can be a lonely woman, without a partner. This letter carries a great message for those who suffer from dreams or nightmares repeated. It invokes the spiritual search for the ultimate meanings of those dreamlike manifestations. “What is it that your unconscious is hiding”? asks us, “seek to know yourself”, it encourages us. The repeated appearance of the major arcane The priestess may be wanting to indicate the need for engage in some kind of disciplined spiritual activity, such as meditation.
The consultant must be guided by his intuition and act discreetly.
Number 2, Runa Uruz (The Fertilizing Energy), Hebrew letter Beth (the house), astrological element THE MOON, light gray color.
It symbolizes the man who, by the effect of his will, has managed to dominate the oppositions and has unified contrary trends. We are here in the field of personal action located in space and the weather. Fatality has been overcome; man has chosen, has taken care of himself and is the master victorious who marches head-on. Many times The car will appear, surprisingly, at times when that we are hardened by the anguish of believing that what we fight for will never be seen crowned with triumph. But if The Car shows up, it will always have its reasons; it's probably there encouraging us to continue in the same direction, not to abandon our efforts. The Chariot also represents the control of the human mind over animal passions and instinct, or more esoterically, the Higher Self over lower egos and psychological aggregates. It helps to overcome fears and complexes, and to overcome in our situations. In a print run, it can tell us that things will go faster than we expected. Often it merely indicates speed or also changes such as removals or trips, or even CELEBRATIONS.
Fight courageously and conscientiously to defend your rights. Places: The Overseas, the distant lands, the colonies, the Faculty of Languages and the Faculty of Philosophy, the import offices and export, airports, gyms, sports fields, racing circuits.
Number 7 (It is the most positive number of all, it is never negative and in all philosophies and religions it has a very important symbology), Runa Kenaz (The Fire), Hebrew letter Zayin (sword), astrological element SAGITTARIUS, turquoise color.
Love Tarot reading will help you find true love. You will be able to analyze in a better way any problems you face with your partner.
The Celtic Cross Tarot reading is probably the oldest and most popular pattern for tarot reading. It has survived so long, because the layout of the cards is simple but powerful. A strong energy has built up around ...
Tarot reading in favor and against shows the two different ways that a given situation has and which aspects are in favor and which ones are against
earn the basic meanings of Tarot reading through explanations of the Major Arcane, Minor Arcane and Court cards in Thirteen`s Tarot Card Meanings.