Your social life will be joyful.
You will be rewarded for your work.
A promotion
providentially will satisfy your desires.
It indicates a very serene and happy relationship.
We are faced with one of those combinations with The High Priest in the tarot that will be very positive for the consultant, since the appearance of the major arcane in The Wizard gives it that point of wisdom and knowledge that will make it triumph in what has been consulted.
Everything that happens on the subject being consulted will be influenced by a person, probably of mature age, who is known or will not help achieve the objective that one has.
We may not even know about that person's influence, or maybe we do, but the really important thing is that the issue that is worrying the consultant will be resolved in their favor.
Assuming that we have asked about love, and we get The Pope and The World, the answer is the consolidation of the couple, the overcoming of conflicts that may exist, or in the case of the search for love, the meaning would be that that desired person will appear, although the consultant must understand that no one is perfect.
In other matters, mainly those related to material matters, the answer is positive, since the current situation will be improved, and all this thanks to knowledge and intelligence, without being carried away by impulses.
Is it successful despite bad influences and advice
The successful ending of a relationship is delayed.
What we want is delayed because of a bad influence.
The letter is closely linked to orthodox religion and theology, as well as in representation of traditional education, the man of high social position. These are the superficial meanings of this letter, because The Pope represents an entire biblical story of the creation of man and woman by part of God. It is also commonly related to the power that is exercised over others. “Hierophant” literally means “the one who teaches holy things”. It also represents individuation, the point at which the child begins to understand the limits between the self and others, the family and the community, me and you. And the point at which the individual begins to consciously construct their own identity, unconsciously, or under the influence of outside forces. It also talks about an alliance, and depending on the surrounding cards it may indicate marriage. The Pope is the teacher, the teaching, the knowledge in any field, he applies firmly. Indicate the teacher, the guide. This letter usually comes out when looking for a teacher. Ritual magic. The protocol. Social forms and norms. Education and culture.
Number 5, Runa Raido (the Cosmic Law), Hebrew letter Hei (action), astrological element MERCURY, color Sky blue. In numerology it represents the number 5: It is the aspiration to knowledge, the path of wisdom is the sum of 2 + 3 (duality + the harmony and balance of opposites).
It is, together with the Sun, the luckiest card in the deck and the most comforting. The World Card is coming to show us the success of our projects. We are working on something that will be successful complete. Depending on the consultation, success can be of different types: the birth of a child, a relationship that ends in marriage, getting a job, a promotion. This is an achievement for the future, not just any one but one of great magnitude, which will make us feel completely happy. Unlike the Letter of the Star, in which good news is predicted, here the message is more resounding. This is not good news, but rather the full achievement of our work and merits carried out during so long. The World is the perfect card when you want to know if you will be completely recovered from an illness: so it will be.
You have nothing to fear. The path taken is the best.
Number 300, Runa Hagall (Circle containing energy), Hebrew letter Shin (Flame), element astrological TAURUS, light green color.
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Kabbalah tarot reading is a group of mystical concepts that precede any religions and it is considered a revelation from God to mankind.
We propose a fun game for you to learn an interpreter each of the tarot cards, it is very simple and entertaining.