A very calm, deep and firm love or health.
Friendly talks.
You will know
Your finances won't worry you and you'll know how to be generous.
Yes, give him time to declare.
We need to think long and hard about the next step.
Little by little they will help you and your situation will improve.
It is the complete representation of frankness, the one that naturally does not measure feelings or consider points of view, but that leaves very high respect for what others think and decide, demonstrating love and loyalty.
The arcane of Temperance appears in the tarot reading to mark a moment of inspiration, mutual understanding and very pleasant exchanges.
It invites us to operate life circumstances with progress and success, because thanks to all the effort that has been put in, the talent and the skills of one's own, the person manages to stabilize himself in what he has worked so hard for.
To all this we add the meaning of The High Priest in the tarot, which tells us that, in conjunction with The Temperance, it predicts a pleasant outcome, favouring the subject questioned in the circulation.
We have to think for ourselves and not let ourselves be influenced.
We need to be patient.
You have to have patience and understanding with your partner, and not to believe gossip.
The letter is closely linked to orthodox religion and theology, as well as in representation of traditional education, the man of high social position. These are the superficial meanings of this letter, because The Pope represents an entire biblical story of the creation of man and woman by part of God. It is also commonly related to the power that is exercised over others. “Hierophant” literally means “the one who teaches holy things”. It also represents individuation, the point at which the child begins to understand the limits between the self and others, the family and the community, me and you. And the point at which the individual begins to consciously construct their own identity, unconsciously, or under the influence of outside forces. It also talks about an alliance, and depending on the surrounding cards it may indicate marriage. The Pope is the teacher, the teaching, the knowledge in any field, he applies firmly. Indicate the teacher, the guide. This letter usually comes out when looking for a teacher. Ritual magic. The protocol. Social forms and norms. Education and culture.
Number 5, Runa Raido (the Cosmic Law), Hebrew letter Hei (action), astrological element MERCURY, color Sky blue. In numerology it represents the number 5: It is the aspiration to knowledge, the path of wisdom is the sum of 2 + 3 (duality + the harmony and balance of opposites).
Temperance is a card that can refer to the presence of an angel. Someone who operates, sometimes from anonymity, for our sake. On many occasions it refers to the need to operate in a harmonious, balanced and moderate way. non let ourselves be carried away by the most rational thoughts or act in a purely emotional way. Saber find a balance. Our decision must be made knowing how to combine the extremes. Like the water and the wine in the glasses, you have to know what to use on both sides. Temperance, in reality, is nothing more than an indication of the problems that we must face and solve in life. If we are able to purify ourselves, Temperance will manifest itself in the form of help “from above”. It can be therapy, counseling, or curative treatment. So, we must go through Temperance in order to cleanse and purify our soul from negative karma. Temperance is, in In a way, a fogged up windshield: we need to clean it to see the road. It can also alert, be a call to restraint sexual instincts. Don't get carried away by a purely passionate relationship. Love is required. It is a card that always means good health, both physically and in terms of health with the soul, maintaining that well-being even if some time elapses after the good one disappears general condition. The Temperance card also tells us about healing when we have lost it and shows us the different forms of healing that we can access. Homeopathy is currently a very popular option respected compared to traditional medicine Acupuncture, hypnotherapy, crystals, the balance of chakras are others that we can turn to.
Number 50, Runa Dagaz (The Complete Awakening), Hebrew letter Nun (servant), astrological element AQUARIUM, color navy blue.
Think and write what concerns you. Ask open-ended questions. The Tarot will give you a response so that we can make appropriate decisions and solve problems
Free one card Tarot reading Yes or No, Tarot reading YES or NO is a spread that answers concrete and precise questions. The YES or NO Tarot reading, can easily remove your doubts...
We all have or have had inside us unresolved feelings even though sometimes we are not aware of them. Inconveniences, difficulties and complications ...
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