Putting the needs of others ahead of our own, or accepting suffering with
Delayed trip.
Resignation for the sake of others, place the needs of others by
ahead of our own, or accept suffering with resignation.
Trip delayed due to an unforeseen event
, indicates that we need to approach the relationship in a different way.
He says yes, but he can't prove it.
It invites you to trust your partner and not to listen to rumors.
This combination tells us that we put the needs of others ahead of our own, or that we accept suffering with resignation.
It is resignation for the sake of others and accepting suffering with resignation.
It's also a delayed trip.
In love, if we have a partner, it tells us about a relationship where there is a lot of sacrifice to be together, but we still move on.
If we don't have a partner, it tells us that a love is coming that will cost us a lot of wear and tear to achieve it.
At work, if we have a job, every day we go to work, it is a great sacrifice or else, what is coming is a stoppage in the amount of work, that we may even be left unemployed.
If we don't have work, for now we won't find it, because the world of work we want to access is very stalled.
Personally, he is an impulsive person who sacrifices a lot for others.
In the economy, it tells us that we spent the month with a lot of sacrifice and that unfortunately it will continue that way.
Bad time to act.
A poorly focused relationship that can end badly.
Indicates that we are taking the wrong path.
The Hanging symbolizes the presence of situations that are difficult to break or that require a large capacity of adaptation. It represents the altruistic person, willing to sacrifice for the common good and who is faithful to their principles, even if they prevent their freedom of action. It also indicates a change of perspective with respect to the past, a decision or action that will turn the current situation around and a exchange of fortune. Its qualities are mental agility, dedication, altruism, mysticism, unconscious wisdom and clairvoyance, also symbolizing precognitive dreams, initiation, rebirth, seed, growth, fertility and good soil. Advice from the Arcanum: Your sacrifice is useless, change direction. Places: Water, springs, streams, sea, swimming pools, foggy and humid spaces, rice fields, swamps. In addition, all closed places, mystical or sad, such as churches, convents, prisons, hospitals, clinics and concert halls. AFFECTIVE PLANE: Unrequited love, end of a relationship, separation, disappointment and defeat. The Consultant, even if you want them, is not endowed for compromising ties, for the family, for the marriage. Sometimes a sentimental project is carried out and then revealed, over time, little satisfying. A betrayal or a bond with an already committed person should not be excluded. PROFESSIONAL LEVEL: An unsustainable professional situation or environment, the need for change. Dismissal, lack of work and support, stress. Studies carried out to disgust due to lack of motivation. ECONOMIC PLAN: Losses, businesses that have vanished due to fraud, economic hardship, need to minimize costs. HEALTH: A faint, an accident, an poisoning. Physical subsidence, surgical intervention, anaesthesia. On the psychological level, the most committed, drug addiction, depression, anxiety, impotence. On the physical plane, tuberculosis, ulcer, polio, infections. Diseases of the intestine, the kidney, bladder and feet. Joint pain, rheumatism, water retention, cellulitis. PERSONAL TYPOLOGY: More or less hidden enemies. A person who is too dreamy, introverted, fickle, shy. An outcast, a drug addict, a false prophet, trickster and fanatic. Un kleptomaniac, a person who suffers from mental disorders.
Number 30, Runa Eihwaz (Odin hanging from the Yggdrasil), Hebrew letter Lamed (man facing down), element astrological URANUS, color green with blue.
It symbolizes the man who, by the effect of his will, has managed to dominate the oppositions and has unified contrary trends. We are here in the field of personal action located in space and the weather. Fatality has been overcome; man has chosen, has taken care of himself and is the master victorious who marches head-on. Many times The car will appear, surprisingly, at times when that we are hardened by the anguish of believing that what we fight for will never be seen crowned with triumph. But if The Car shows up, it will always have its reasons; it's probably there encouraging us to continue in the same direction, not to abandon our efforts. The Chariot also represents the control of the human mind over animal passions and instinct, or more esoterically, the Higher Self over lower egos and psychological aggregates. It helps to overcome fears and complexes, and to overcome in our situations. In a print run, it can tell us that things will go faster than we expected. Often it merely indicates speed or also changes such as removals or trips, or even CELEBRATIONS.
Fight courageously and conscientiously to defend your rights. Places: The Overseas, the distant lands, the colonies, the Faculty of Languages and the Faculty of Philosophy, the import offices and export, airports, gyms, sports fields, racing circuits.
Number 7 (It is the most positive number of all, it is never negative and in all philosophies and religions it has a very important symbology), Runa Kenaz (The Fire), Hebrew letter Zayin (sword), astrological element SAGITTARIUS, turquoise color.
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