Vocation for spiritual life.
It asks you for reflection because you are going to take a step
The Arcana express that reflection is essential, given the possibility of turning around to change course for good.
Your self-love could save you from failure and laziness, boosting your endeavors with faith and desire to succeed, from every planned objective.
The decks foreshadow new positive ways of approaching your personal life, thinking about yourself, and valuing the people around you.
Someone appears trying to return to your side, to start a friendly relationship with you, but with a lot of communication and dialogue.
This combination of tarot cards indicates the urgent need that the consultant will have to have a lot of patience, since the stillness of The Hanged One is added the meaning of the major arcane of Temperance, which is none other than balance and slowness.
It supposes that the matter discussed is going to develop very slowly, it could even be called desperate, so there is no other choice but to wait, although on the positive side, to get one out of it, it is that it does not predict anything negative.
In love, immobility means The Hanged One and The Temperance, not finishing starting a future romantic relationship, or in your case, a return that has just arrived.
Regarding other issues that have been asked to the tarot, it can be said from these two cards that have appeared together in the roll, that the topic consulted will not have significant changes.
We have to go little by little or we'll crash. It indicates that we are going very far from Hurry up and we have to stop.
Losing an opportunity due to recklessness.
The Hanging symbolizes the presence of situations that are difficult to break or that require a large capacity of adaptation. It represents the altruistic person, willing to sacrifice for the common good and who is faithful to their principles, even if they prevent their freedom of action. It also indicates a change of perspective with respect to the past, a decision or action that will turn the current situation around and a exchange of fortune. Its qualities are mental agility, dedication, altruism, mysticism, unconscious wisdom and clairvoyance, also symbolizing precognitive dreams, initiation, rebirth, seed, growth, fertility and good soil. Advice from the Arcanum: Your sacrifice is useless, change direction. Places: Water, springs, streams, sea, swimming pools, foggy and humid spaces, rice fields, swamps. In addition, all closed places, mystical or sad, such as churches, convents, prisons, hospitals, clinics and concert halls. AFFECTIVE PLANE: Unrequited love, end of a relationship, separation, disappointment and defeat. The Consultant, even if you want them, is not endowed for compromising ties, for the family, for the marriage. Sometimes a sentimental project is carried out and then revealed, over time, little satisfying. A betrayal or a bond with an already committed person should not be excluded. PROFESSIONAL LEVEL: An unsustainable professional situation or environment, the need for change. Dismissal, lack of work and support, stress. Studies carried out to disgust due to lack of motivation. ECONOMIC PLAN: Losses, businesses that have vanished due to fraud, economic hardship, need to minimize costs. HEALTH: A faint, an accident, an poisoning. Physical subsidence, surgical intervention, anaesthesia. On the psychological level, the most committed, drug addiction, depression, anxiety, impotence. On the physical plane, tuberculosis, ulcer, polio, infections. Diseases of the intestine, the kidney, bladder and feet. Joint pain, rheumatism, water retention, cellulitis. PERSONAL TYPOLOGY: More or less hidden enemies. A person who is too dreamy, introverted, fickle, shy. An outcast, a drug addict, a false prophet, trickster and fanatic. Un kleptomaniac, a person who suffers from mental disorders.
Number 30, Runa Eihwaz (Odin hanging from the Yggdrasil), Hebrew letter Lamed (man facing down), element astrological URANUS, color green with blue.
Temperance is a card that can refer to the presence of an angel. Someone who operates, sometimes from anonymity, for our sake. On many occasions it refers to the need to operate in a harmonious, balanced and moderate way. non let ourselves be carried away by the most rational thoughts or act in a purely emotional way. Saber find a balance. Our decision must be made knowing how to combine the extremes. Like the water and the wine in the glasses, you have to know what to use on both sides. Temperance, in reality, is nothing more than an indication of the problems that we must face and solve in life. If we are able to purify ourselves, Temperance will manifest itself in the form of help “from above”. It can be therapy, counseling, or curative treatment. So, we must go through Temperance in order to cleanse and purify our soul from negative karma. Temperance is, in In a way, a fogged up windshield: we need to clean it to see the road. It can also alert, be a call to restraint sexual instincts. Don't get carried away by a purely passionate relationship. Love is required. It is a card that always means good health, both physically and in terms of health with the soul, maintaining that well-being even if some time elapses after the good one disappears general condition. The Temperance card also tells us about healing when we have lost it and shows us the different forms of healing that we can access. Homeopathy is currently a very popular option respected compared to traditional medicine Acupuncture, hypnotherapy, crystals, the balance of chakras are others that we can turn to.
Number 50, Runa Dagaz (The Complete Awakening), Hebrew letter Nun (servant), astrological element AQUARIUM, color navy blue.
Think and write what concerns you. Ask open-ended questions. The Tarot will give you a response so that we can make appropriate decisions and solve problems
Love Tarot reading will help you find true love. You will be able to analyze in a better way any problems you face with your partner.
We all have or have had inside us unresolved feelings even though sometimes we are not aware of them. Inconveniences, difficulties and complications ...
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