It's a bad combination.
Selfishness and unconsciousness destroy a love.
Locura, Amor Que Se
transform into friendship.
Both Arcana can be dangerous, The Hanged One is the aid to reflection and stoppage along the way, but being stuck there for a long time can be negative.
The Devil is tempting and fun, but if he hunts you it can be dangerous
This combination can mean that without you even realizing it, a man has been waiting for you for a while and get ready for a good dose of energy, probably sexual.
Someone is looking out for you and wants something.
The Hanged Man, together with The Devil, talks to us mainly about dangers and warnings.
We must distrust others, we are going to be the object of a betrayal, which will hurt us, a lot.
In addition, people in our environment will abuse our trust by using our name for bad purposes.
Our economic situation will hang in the balance.
This is not a good time to change jobs or start a project.
We must monitor our psychic balance, there is a danger of suffering from some kind of paranoia.
Love and passion become friendship
The card takes us back to the meaning of “The Enemy”. Everything that works against us and that we harms and hurts. Our fears and fears, bad luck and also other people who attack against our happiness. But we must not forget about ourselves, that sometimes we are our worst enemy. The Devil is a card of fears, of fears that paralyze us. It can mean any form of slavery or submission, for example a figure of a very authoritarian boss who makes our lives impossible or an abusive parent or partner who controls every aspect of our lives. It can refer to any addiction, to alcohol and drugs for example. It often has sexual references: all kinds of sexual perversions, or relationships that lack any emotional sense, only the carnal is important. Everything related to “the dark” is symbolized by this card. A person who conjures against Us through spells could be warned by the Devil
Don't underestimate the dangers and control the pitfalls; don't give in to flattery and don't let yourself drag by the others. Places: Operating rooms, foundries, slaughterhouses, arsenals. Trenches, fields of battle.
Number 60, Runa Nied (the necessary evil), Hebrew letter Samech (circle or well), astrological element MARTE, dark red color.
The Hanging symbolizes the presence of situations that are difficult to break or that require a large capacity of adaptation. It represents the altruistic person, willing to sacrifice for the common good and who is faithful to their principles, even if they prevent their freedom of action. It also indicates a change of perspective with respect to the past, a decision or action that will turn the current situation around and a exchange of fortune. Its qualities are mental agility, dedication, altruism, mysticism, unconscious wisdom and clairvoyance, also symbolizing precognitive dreams, initiation, rebirth, seed, growth, fertility and good soil. Advice from the Arcanum: Your sacrifice is useless, change direction. Places: Water, springs, streams, sea, swimming pools, foggy and humid spaces, rice fields, swamps. In addition, all closed places, mystical or sad, such as churches, convents, prisons, hospitals, clinics and concert halls. AFFECTIVE PLANE: Unrequited love, end of a relationship, separation, disappointment and defeat. The Consultant, even if you want them, is not endowed for compromising ties, for the family, for the marriage. Sometimes a sentimental project is carried out and then revealed, over time, little satisfying. A betrayal or a bond with an already committed person should not be excluded. PROFESSIONAL LEVEL: An unsustainable professional situation or environment, the need for change. Dismissal, lack of work and support, stress. Studies carried out to disgust due to lack of motivation. ECONOMIC PLAN: Losses, businesses that have vanished due to fraud, economic hardship, need to minimize costs. HEALTH: A faint, an accident, an poisoning. Physical subsidence, surgical intervention, anaesthesia. On the psychological level, the most committed, drug addiction, depression, anxiety, impotence. On the physical plane, tuberculosis, ulcer, polio, infections. Diseases of the intestine, the kidney, bladder and feet. Joint pain, rheumatism, water retention, cellulitis. PERSONAL TYPOLOGY: More or less hidden enemies. A person who is too dreamy, introverted, fickle, shy. An outcast, a drug addict, a false prophet, trickster and fanatic. Un kleptomaniac, a person who suffers from mental disorders.
Number 30, Runa Eihwaz (Odin hanging from the Yggdrasil), Hebrew letter Lamed (man facing down), element astrological URANUS, color green with blue.
Think and write what concerns you. Ask open-ended questions. The Tarot will give you a response so that we can make appropriate decisions and solve problems
If the Moon has a lot of influence over you, this is the best moment to know the mysteries of your personal interiority and help you take the right decisions by Tarot reading of the moon
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