Patience is needed for what you want to arrive.
Good integration into our
environment, friendships and optimal relationships.
Good physical condition.
Health complications.
It indicates that the
patience and faithfulness are rewarded.
Success achieved thanks to diplomacy.
This is great news, it is associated with the high frequency of energies, of good omens announcing encouraging messages about that worrying circumstance, important and unexpected announcements are expected that arrive to regulate tensions, clarify doubts and align the mood.
Regarding family situations or in what it describes relationships between couples, it reveals the arrival of a friendly and sociable person, who will be full of stability.
After the calm, patience and waiting times, the time has come to open up to new beginnings that are very promising according to what these two tarot cards tell us.
In this combination, all situations accelerate, shine and multiply.
The message is one of abundance, prosperity and good results.
For the consultant, life is nourished, thanks to the successful conclusion of ideas, plans and projects.
That person has arguments
Happiness that we have to wait for.
Success that is delayed.
Temperance is a card that can refer to the presence of an angel. Someone who operates, sometimes from anonymity, for our sake. On many occasions it refers to the need to operate in a harmonious, balanced and moderate way. non let ourselves be carried away by the most rational thoughts or act in a purely emotional way. Saber find a balance. Our decision must be made knowing how to combine the extremes. Like the water and the wine in the glasses, you have to know what to use on both sides. Temperance, in reality, is nothing more than an indication of the problems that we must face and solve in life. If we are able to purify ourselves, Temperance will manifest itself in the form of help “from above”. It can be therapy, counseling, or curative treatment. So, we must go through Temperance in order to cleanse and purify our soul from negative karma. Temperance is, in In a way, a fogged up windshield: we need to clean it to see the road. It can also alert, be a call to restraint sexual instincts. Don't get carried away by a purely passionate relationship. Love is required. It is a card that always means good health, both physically and in terms of health with the soul, maintaining that well-being even if some time elapses after the good one disappears general condition. The Temperance card also tells us about healing when we have lost it and shows us the different forms of healing that we can access. Homeopathy is currently a very popular option respected compared to traditional medicine Acupuncture, hypnotherapy, crystals, the balance of chakras are others that we can turn to.
Number 50, Runa Dagaz (The Complete Awakening), Hebrew letter Nun (servant), astrological element AQUARIUM, color navy blue.
It is, together with the Sun, the luckiest card in the deck and the most comforting. The World Card is coming to show us the success of our projects. We are working on something that will be successful complete. Depending on the consultation, success can be of different types: the birth of a child, a relationship that ends in marriage, getting a job, a promotion. This is an achievement for the future, not just any one but one of great magnitude, which will make us feel completely happy. Unlike the Letter of the Star, in which good news is predicted, here the message is more resounding. This is not good news, but rather the full achievement of our work and merits carried out during so long. The World is the perfect card when you want to know if you will be completely recovered from an illness: so it will be.
You have nothing to fear. The path taken is the best.
Number 300, Runa Hagall (Circle containing energy), Hebrew letter Shin (Flame), element astrological TAURUS, light green color.
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