Temperance indicates that the inner child has matured, and that the Fool has learned
to be more prudent and observant.
Integration, perfect combination of elements.
With the madman and temperance, what we want about love will happen, but with patience.
Unexpected communications from the loved one.
At work, we will achieve that goal that we have set ourselves with effort and in a not too long period of time.
By surprise, we get communications that we didn't expect, they can already be from the loved one, from work or from a friend.
If we let things flow on their own, the problem will be fixed.
In love, if we have a partner, after a confrontation, we will have communications with our partner and we will reach agreements or understandings.
If we don't have a partner, we'll suddenly meet a person with whom communications will be very fluid.
At work, if we are working and we have problems, from now on things will flow.
It can also be unforeseen communications, we need the next letter to know if they are good or bad.
If we are not working, no work comes to us, but they advise us to persist in our search and to send resumes to everything we can.
We may have a communication about a job, with which we will have to make decisions.
Personally, he is a balanced person, although sometimes because he is impulsive or cheerful we think not.
In the economy, all the money that comes into us goes out to pay.
Indicates that a normally prudent being is making mistakes. A road long and heavy for which it will take a lot of patience. Moment of carefree You have to leave Spend some time
Impatience that hurts us.
Temperance is a card that can refer to the presence of an angel. Someone who operates, sometimes from anonymity, for our sake. On many occasions it refers to the need to operate in a harmonious, balanced and moderate way. non let ourselves be carried away by the most rational thoughts or act in a purely emotional way. Saber find a balance. Our decision must be made knowing how to combine the extremes. Like the water and the wine in the glasses, you have to know what to use on both sides. Temperance, in reality, is nothing more than an indication of the problems that we must face and solve in life. If we are able to purify ourselves, Temperance will manifest itself in the form of help “from above”. It can be therapy, counseling, or curative treatment. So, we must go through Temperance in order to cleanse and purify our soul from negative karma. Temperance is, in In a way, a fogged up windshield: we need to clean it to see the road. It can also alert, be a call to restraint sexual instincts. Don't get carried away by a purely passionate relationship. Love is required. It is a card that always means good health, both physically and in terms of health with the soul, maintaining that well-being even if some time elapses after the good one disappears general condition. The Temperance card also tells us about healing when we have lost it and shows us the different forms of healing that we can access. Homeopathy is currently a very popular option respected compared to traditional medicine Acupuncture, hypnotherapy, crystals, the balance of chakras are others that we can turn to.
Number 50, Runa Dagaz (The Complete Awakening), Hebrew letter Nun (servant), astrological element AQUARIUM, color navy blue.
It is a card of infinite possibilities. The bag on the back indicates that it has everything you need to to be happy, you just have to stop and unpack that bag. You are on the path to a fresh start. Sin However, this card has a warning: we must stop daydreaming and fantasizing, we must be vigilant the steps you are taking, so as not to fall and end up being foolish. You have to learn from mistakes; the decisions you make in the subject you are consulting about, they will mark a new direction in your life and perhaps that of other people as well. When you have the clear ideas, you will be able to see the new goals more easily, will power will increase and you will be able to overcome any fear that arises around that topic. Hard work, honesty and ethics are the most important thing; the use of wisdom and trust in marriage and relationships will provide a firm foundation on which to work. This letter can also mark the origin of a new beginning, and tells the consultant to follow the impulses of his heart above those of the brain.
Do not be discouraged, continue on the path you have begun. If you get this letter when you You have to face some crossroads in your life, the Fool tells you to believe in yourself and follow the dictates from your heart, however crazy they may seem. Take the risk of doing that crazy thing that You've been chasing for a long time. You don't know where you're going to end up, but I'm sure you're going to learn a lot from that new situation. Places: Workshops, foundries, kilns, barracks.
Number 400, Runa Jera (the eternal flow), Hebrew letter Tau (reward or seal), astrological element SCORPION, color BLACK.
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