Pride, arrogance.
Magical powers, black magic, unbridled passion, weakness,
Passion, weakness.
It's not a very good omen, they indicate that someone doesn't belong to us
because his past or his problems bind him, even though he feels love.
We will be able to control absurd passions, which would lead us nowhere.
If we don't, we can find ourselves in complicated situations.
Our intelligence must dominate this situation.
Protection against diseases, but prudent with regard to hygiene, we can suffer from some type of infection.
Advice; don't let yourself be carried away by passions that you can't control later.
If this combination of cards appears in a roll, it is an omen that the bad stuff is stalking you, so extreme precautions must be taken and you must be vigilant in the face of possible betrayals and deceptions to which the consultant may be subject.
This tarot roll also tells us that it is likely that all the effort that has been made on a subject in which you have a lot of interest may be in vain, but we must always remember that the tarot not only serves to know the future, but also to warn of possible dangers.
On the straight path that is being taken, temptations will appear in which one can fall into, either vices, interested people who take advantage of the situation, or simply that those who consult the tarot let themselves go and fall into reluctance.
You have to be careful with those people who could take advantage of the consultant's efforts, but the problem will be that it will be difficult to know from the beginning who has those intentions.
Strength and The Devil is not a good combination in the tarot, although there is no need to worry either, it will be enough to raise your guard and be more alert than ever to avoid throwing everything you are fighting for.
Someone could break into love who will lead you along a lustful path of passion, but it will end up being negative and will have consequences that in the medium term will not be to the liking of the consultant.
It means that there is an attachment (addiction) to a person or thing, I remember. of the past?) that it is not allowing us to do our best or move forward in life. a defect or vice prevents our triumph.
Difficulties will be overcome.
We have to reorganize our lives.
The meaning of this card is quite clear: strength in every possible sense. This is a person, probably The Consultant, who has the energy needed to lead others, start projects, create a forward movement. Courage and energy are its main attributes. The Force manages to unite mind and body, satisfy both, unite them and bring them together to achieve their objectives. This letter also refers to the most animal instincts in human beings: aggressiveness and sexuality and lust. The Force card can be seen as the sum of the Wizard and the sensuality of the Empress. It can alert you to a great desire to start a sexual relationship, to let yourself be abandoned by the senses. Of course, the menu for animal lovers, especially felines, also fits. The letter usually warns of the need to act without delay, without fear or absurd doubts. Advice from the Arcanum: Act alone, without hesitation; decide forcefully, wary of the protection of the powerful. Venues: Theaters, stages, places facing south, hot countries, deserts, sunny beaches, castles, parks. AFFECTIVE PLANE: Passion and tenacity in feelings, love, courtship, wedding, constructive insertion in a group or in a family. The consultant should have no doubt about the fidelity and sincerity of your partner. Intense and satisfying sexual activity. PROFESSIONAL LEVEL: New professional relationships are expected for the future; team activities, professions related to tourism and entertainment. Even if the work is heavy, it will be necessary try your best, without stopping trying anything. ECONOMIC PLAN: Commercial successes, lucky speculations, gambling profits. It is recommended persevere in negotiations or invest capital in gold or actions related to tourism and show. Decisions that must be taken without delay. HEALTH: Excellent health, energy that circulates well, vitality, resistance to disease. PERSONAL TYPE: An intrepid, disciplined and fair person between the ages of twenty and forty; an influential woman, willing to offer her help. A celebrity, an actor, an artist, a boss, a leader, a judge, an arbitrator. Children, teenagers, young people.
Number 20, Runa Tyr (victory), Hebrew letter Caf (power), astrological element LEO, color orange brilliant.
The card takes us back to the meaning of “The Enemy”. Everything that works against us and that we harms and hurts. Our fears and fears, bad luck and also other people who attack against our happiness. But we must not forget about ourselves, that sometimes we are our worst enemy. The Devil is a card of fears, of fears that paralyze us. It can mean any form of slavery or submission, for example a figure of a very authoritarian boss who makes our lives impossible or an abusive parent or partner who controls every aspect of our lives. It can refer to any addiction, to alcohol and drugs for example. It often has sexual references: all kinds of sexual perversions, or relationships that lack any emotional sense, only the carnal is important. Everything related to “the dark” is symbolized by this card. A person who conjures against Us through spells could be warned by the Devil
Don't underestimate the dangers and control the pitfalls; don't give in to flattery and don't let yourself drag by the others. Places: Operating rooms, foundries, slaughterhouses, arsenals. Trenches, fields of battle.
Number 60, Runa Nied (the necessary evil), Hebrew letter Samech (circle or well), astrological element MARTE, dark red color.
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