Five Of Pentacles Keywords
Despair, financial hardships, lack of faith, troublesome times, internal struggles, poverty, lack of optimism, hard work leading to strong results, reversing trends, growing faith, increased confidence and self-worth, eventual success.
Five Of Pentacles Meanings And Description
The Five of Pentacles is the card of financial struggle. It often represents a period marked by uncertainty and doubt.
The card portrays a wintry scene put next to a stunning tainted glass window with two poor persons marching over the snow of a cold, dark night. One is on supports, a little bell around his collar and the other has a scarf over her head, exposed feet covered up in the snow bank.
Financial hardship
Feeling abandoned
That fact that your present circumstances may be related to previous over-spending won’t make you feel any better.
If I remind you of that, I’m not trying to say ‘I told you so.’. It’s important to remember to prevent it from happening again.
Lack of confidence and a low sense of self worth are also indicated with the Five of Pentacles.
There is no easy solution but it is crucial to have faith that your circumstances will change but you also need to combine practical habits with this sense of optimism.
Think and write what concerns you. Ask open-ended questions. The Tarot will give you a response so that we can make appropriate decisions and solve problems
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