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Page of Cups

It symbolizes persistence as this is the only way that you can make your dreams come true.

The Page of Cups represents the unexpected inspiration that comes to us from the unconscious, perhaps in ways that we may not truly understand. In this card, a youth at the seashore wears a blue tunic adorned with floral prints.

The most important meanings within the Page of Cups is that you should be open to new ideas, especially ones that stem from intuitive inspiration. The card seems to state that such inspiration should be embraced, despite it being something that you may not expect. It could lead you to adventure and open many doors.

For those that are afraid to reveal their emotions, the Page of Cups could mean that it is time to release and show those emotions. The creative you and the emotional you should both be expressed, no matter how insignificant they may seem. In most cases, some people cannot express themselves as they want to protect their ego. The Page of Cups indicates that it is alright to have a new beginning – to welcome the real you.

This letter is popularly known as “the courtship letter” because it indicates that someone is trying to win our love or affection.
He is generally a younger person than we are, so sometimes this letter simply indicates the arrival of a child in the family.

  • Feelings that are not expressed.
  • Shyness, withdrawal.
  • Let the imagination dominate us and use it selfishly.
  • Self-pity, exaggerated emotions, especially in young people.

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Ask the Tarot

Think and write what concerns you. Ask open-ended questions. The Tarot will give you a response so that we can make appropriate decisions and solve problems

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Tarot Past, Present and Future

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