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How to Read Tarot Cards Without Knowing How

Tarot is a mystical tool that has fascinated humanity for centuries. While many people believe that reading tarot cards requires deep knowledge and years of study, the truth is that anyone can start without prior experience. Learning to read tarot cards is a journey of self-discovery and intuition, and you don’t need to be an expert to receive a meaningful message.

If you’re wondering how to start reading tarot without prior knowledge, here’s a simple and accessible guide to help you dive into the world of tarot and harness its wisdom.

Don’t Be Afraid of Tarot

Don’t be afraid of tarot. Many people avoid it out of fear of the unknown, believing that it might reveal unsettling things or negatively influence their lives. However, tarot is simply a tool for self-awareness, designed to offer clarity and guidance. It’s not something mystical or scary but a simple and accessible resource that helps you reflect on your current situation and future possibilities. The cards only show possible paths, and you should never worry about them, as their purpose is always positive: to help you make more conscious decisions.

Clear Your Mind and Awaken Your Intuition: Feel, Don’t Rationalize

Before starting any tarot reading, it’s essential to clear your mind of distractions and logical thoughts. Tarot is not about rational analysis but about feeling and connecting with your intuition. Take a moment to relax, breathe deeply, and center yourself. Let your feelings and emotions flow freely without trying to control or understand them logically. Tarot works best when you allow your intuition to guide your responses, showing you what you need to see without interference from the rational mind. Feel the message of the cards rather than trying to intellectually decipher it; trust that what you perceive is what you really need to know.

Step 1: Connect with the Deck

The first step to reading tarot is to connect with your deck. You don’t need to know the deep meaning of each card right away, but it is important to feel comfortable with the images and symbols the cards present. The intuitive connection with the cards is key to starting your interpretation journey.

Before doing a reading, take a moment to look at the images on each card. Let your mind relax and allow the cards to stir your emotions and thoughts. This initial practice will help you familiarize yourself with the deck and open up your intuition.

Step 2: Use a Simple Spread

If you’re new to tarot reading, a simple spread is the best way to start. The three-card spread is a popular and easy option. This spread answers key questions in your life and gives you a clear view of the past, present, and future. Simply choose three cards and assign them the following meanings:

  • Card 1: The past.
  • Card 2: The present.
  • Card 3: The future.

You don’t need to know the traditional meanings of the cards to interpret this spread. Just observe the images and let your intuition guide your responses. Ask yourself how the cards make you feel and how they might relate to the question you’re asking.

Step 3: Trust Your Intuition

One common mistake when starting tarot reading is worrying too much about the traditional meanings of the cards. While knowing the cards is valuable, the true magic of tarot lies in intuition. The cards act as a mirror to your inner world, and it’s your intuition that allows you to understand what the tarot is telling you.

To practice, start with a simple question or without any specific question. Shuffle the cards and choose one. Then, focus on how you feel as you look at it. What emotions does it evoke? What story does the image tell you? Trust the impressions and sensations that arise, without worrying if they align with traditional meanings.

Step 4: Learn the Basic Meanings Over Time

While intuition is essential, learning the basic meanings of the tarot cards over time will allow you to deepen your readings. The 78 tarot cards are divided into Major and Minor Arcana, and each has a particular meaning. As you become more comfortable with the deck, you can explore the meaning of each card to enhance your interpretations.

Don’t try to memorize all the meanings at once. Instead, take your time with each card and study its symbolism little by little. This will allow you to learn organically while continuing to develop your intuitive connection with the cards.

Step 5: Practice Regularly

Like any skill, reading tarot requires practice. The more you practice, the more natural it will become to interpret the cards. Do readings for yourself or for friends and family, and allow each session to be an opportunity to learn something new about tarot and about yourself.

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes or not fully understand a card. Over time, your confidence and accuracy will grow, and you’ll discover that the tarot cards guide you in surprising ways.

Interpret Card Combinations: Discover Their Meaning on losarcanos.com

In addition to the individual meaning of each card, it’s important to know that you can also interpret the message that arises from the combination of 2 or 3 cards together. These combinations reveal deeper nuances and offer a more complete perspective on the situation you’re consulting. Each set of cards interacts uniquely, delivering a powerful message that goes beyond isolated meanings. If you want to explore these combinations, we invite you to look for their interpretation on our site losarcanos.com, where you’ll find detailed and accurate explanations to help you decipher the full message of your reading.


Reading tarot cards without prior knowledge is possible thanks to intuition and personal connection with the cards. You don’t need to memorize complex meanings or master all techniques right away. Simply start by observing the cards, using simple spreads, and trusting your intuition. Over time, you’ll learn the meanings of the cards and improve your readings. Tarot is an accessible tool for everyone, and its magic lies in your ability to open yourself to its wisdom and discover the message it has for you.

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