The tarot is a sacred oracle that communicates information through symbols, images, numbers, letters and colors. The Tarot answers by virtue of how the question is formulated, therefore, a clear and concise question will obtain an answer of the same quality
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Ask the TarotThe Eight of Pentacles is a card that represents dedication, effort, and skill mastery. It emphasizes diligent work, focusing on tasks that require consistency and striving for excellence through practice. When it appears in a reading, it s...
What Does Five Of Pentacles Tarot Card Mean? Five Of Pentacles KeywordsDespair, financial hardships, lack of faith, troublesome times, internal struggles, poverty, lack of optimism, hard work leading to strong results, reversing trends, gro...
Christmas is not just a celebration imbued with religious and cultural symbolism; it is also a time when the cosmos aligns in a special way. This season, marked by the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, planetary positions, and lun...
Tarot is a mystical tool that has fascinated humanity for centuries. While many people believe that reading tarot cards requires deep knowledge and years of study, the truth is that anyone can start without prior experience. Learning to rea...
In the intricate tapestry of life, where threads of emotions intertwine with the physical realm, lies a profound truth: the human spirit possesses the innate ability to heal itself. This self-healing, the art of mending the soul and thereby...
“The word kundalini generally refers to that dimension of energy that has not yet reached its potential. There is an enormous amount of energy within you that has not yet realized its potential. It is there waiting, because what you c...
Welcome to a fun and powerful environment for psychic training and testing with the famous Zener PES cards ! ESP stands for ” extrasensory perception “. The meaning is clear: to obtain knowledge through means not associated...
VIEW ALL TAROT DECKS Many times when you want to enter the world of tarot, either because you start with a course or because you are attracted to cards and their magic, you get to buy your deck and you find yourself with a huge variety and ...
Free one card Tarot reading Yes or No, Tarot reading YES or NO is a spread that answers concrete and precise questions. The YES or NO Tarot reading, can easily remove your doubts...
The Celtic Cross Tarot reading is probably the oldest and most popular pattern for tarot reading. It has survived so long, because the layout of the cards is simple but powerful. A strong energy has built up around ...
We all have or have had inside us unresolved feelings even though sometimes we are not aware of them. Inconveniences, difficulties and complications ...
If the Moon has a lot of influence over you, this is the best moment to know the mysteries of your personal interiority and help you take the right decisions by Tarot reading of the moon