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He will return?

He will return?

The Tarot will answer these questions

The tarot is a sacred oracle that communicates information through symbols, images, numbers, letters and colors. The Tarot answers by virtue of how the question is formulated, therefore, a clear and concise question will obtain an answer of the same quality

  • Never to Return?
  • I'll be back with my ex?
  • What are the chances of my ex and I getting back together?
  • Will ex ever come back?
  • How do you know if an ex wants to get back together?
  • How do you know your ex isn't coming back?
  • Why would an ex want to be friends?
  • How do I accept him not coming back?

  • Now the Tarot will give you your answer


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    Ask the Tarot

    Articles of the LosArcanos.com

    The Gypsy Tarot and Its Wisdom

    The Gypsy Tarot is one of the oldest and most fascinating divination practices, rich in symbolism and mysteries that connect with deep spiritual knowledge. However, it’s important to remember that the cards do not rigidly determine your f...

    Part of Fortune calculator

    A wealth indicator in your chart The part of fortune is one of the Arabic parts in astrology. There are many other Arabic parts or Greek lots. Indicates good luck, grace and favour Suggests ease of wealth The house and sign indicates the qu...

    Tarot Without Knowing How

    Tarot is a mystical tool that has fascinated humanity for centuries. While many people believe that reading tarot cards requires deep knowledge and years of study, the truth is that anyone can start without prior experience. Learning to rea...

    Mandalas Really Relieve Stress?

    Creating mandalas is not just an artistic activity; it’s also a therapeutic tool. When painting, coloring, or designing a mandala, people can immerse themselves in a state of concentration and mindfulness, releasing accumulated tension an...

    Tarot Nine of Pentacles

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    Tarot Five of Pentacles

    What Does Five Of Pentacles Tarot Card Mean? Five Of Pentacles KeywordsDespair, financial hardships, lack of faith, troublesome times, internal struggles, poverty, lack of optimism, hard work leading to strong results, reversing trends, gro...

    Last Mercury Retrograde

    The final Mercury retrograde of the year arrives on November 26 and concludes on December 15, highlighting its influence in the sign of Sagittarius. During this time, there will be a clash between logic and spirituality, leading to potentia...

    The Dance of Yin and Yang

    In the vast universe of our existence, few concepts have so beautifully captured the essence of life as the Yin and Yang. Rooted in ancient wisdom, this principle invites us on a journey to understand how opposing and complementary forces s...

    Tarot Hidden EmotionsWe propose to make a simple memory game with our Tarot cards to reveal which is unconsciously Arcana has a message for you Find pairs of cards
    Learn Tarot

    We propose a fun game for you to learn an interpreter each of the tarot cards, it is very simple and entertaining.

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