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Zodiac, Horóscope

aries - LOVE

The dates of each sign make it possible to know which sign someone belongs to only by knowing the date of their birth.

According to astrology, the date we were born defines our personality. Our characteristic features therefore depend on the sign of the zodiac to which we belong. Each one has a period on the calendar, and it is essential to know which one is our sign.

aries - en el Amor

[March 21 - April 19]







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Impulsive, aggressive and energetic to exhaustion. So are the Aries both in their daily customs and in love.

With a sometimes exaggerated tendency to independence, in practice they are very passionate people who need the affection of those around them.
When they mark their goal they are far from the typical conqueror model, but they embark on conquest decisively. Then they forget the fears of losing their freedom and can reach a complete and happy life as a couple. To do this, they will have to find that someone able to endure the “summer storms” that rise from time to time in the character of the Arians.
Then the calm will come and with it all the charm and enthusiasm of those born between 21 March and 20 April.

Under the influence of Mars and as a sign of fire, the Aries find in Leo and Libra their best travel companions.

CHARACTERISTICS Love Health Job Adventure Planets Back to Zodiac

Aries taurus gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra scorpio sagittarius capricorn aquarius pisces

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Astrology Chart

Astrology studies the position and movement of stars. Thanks to their understanding and surveillance, we can establish a relationship between what happens in the sky

Weekly Horoscopes

Astrological true horoscope updated weekly. Get free advices and predictions based on your sign and the position of the stars.

Moon SignThe Moon represents human psyche. The emotional body of man. It’s indicative of a person`s emotions and feelings. It gives an intuitional nature, taste, youth, love of poetry, music, attractive looks and sensuality.
Part of FortuneIn astrology, the Part of Fortune, sometimes called Fortuna, is the most popular Arabic Part. Arabic Parts are sensitive points in a chart. The Part of Fortune represents worldly success, and is associated with the physical body and health as well.