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Zodiaco, Horóscopo

aries - JOB

The dates of each sign make it possible to know which sign someone belongs to only by knowing the date of their birth.

According to astrology, the date we were born defines our personality. Our characteristic features therefore depend on the sign of the zodiac to which we belong. Each one has a period on the calendar, and it is essential to know which one is our sign.

aries - JOB

[March 21 - April 19]







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In order to express their views forcefully, Aries often act with authority and determination.
These and other characteristics make them specially gifted people for command posts. Together with a strong entrepreneurial spirit, they have a great job capacity whose value is increased in creative professions.
They think fast, they're innovative, and they're full of ideas. But at the same time they lose their impatience and often their companies can be halfway. If they manage to master their inconstancy and overcome the avatars that the routine puts in their path, they can achieve all the goals they set.
Once achieved, it is better to be carried away by the prudence they usually lack because their love of renewal and adventure can cause them to fall from the top.

CHARACTERISTICS Love Health Job Adventure Planets Back to Zodiac

Aries taurus gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra scorpio sagittarius capricorn aquarius pisces

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Daily Horoscope Tarot Astrology Chart Yes or No Tarot Reading
Celtic Cross Tarot I Ching Reading Crossroads Tarot Spread
Love Tarot Reading Tarot Reading Hidden Truth Tarot

Astrology Chart

Astrology studies the position and movement of stars. Thanks to their understanding and surveillance, we can establish a relationship between what happens in the sky

Rising Sign

The Ascendant sign expresses personality. It is an important feature because it shows the behavior that is learned, as well as the way we are perceived by others

Moon`s NodesThe Moon`s Nodes illustrate those points on the ground, where the orbit of the Moon around the Earth crosses that of the Earth around the Sun.
Part of FortuneIn astrology, the Part of Fortune, sometimes called Fortuna, is the most popular Arabic Part. Arabic Parts are sensitive points in a chart. The Part of Fortune represents worldly success, and is associated with the physical body and health as well.