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Justice Tarot Card Meanings

Tarot Justice

Justice Tarot Card Meanings

Tarot Justice

Justice. She has the scales of equality and judgement impartial in one hand, and the sword of decision in the other. In tarot, justice represents the understanding that life is, in the last instance, just and equitable. Although the vagaries of everyday life tend to make us doubt this fact, Justice reminds us that there is a divine balance.

This card refers to legal matters of all kinds, but is not restricted to them. Courts are where judgement s are made and decisions are made. Our legal system is the official field in which we explore the principles of justice: fairness, impartiality, and the pursuit of truth.

Unlike other images of Justice, it's not bandaged. But still he does not allow himself to be distracted by temptations or envy. When this card appears, it must be borne in mind that not everything you want will be achieved, but only what we really deserve in a fair and balanced, but also sincere way.

Justice prevents us from violating the rights of others. It teaches us the principle of ownership and respect for the heritage of others. Whoever does not respect the property of others endangers his own. To truly understand Justice, one must take into account not only material goods, but also feelings and thoughts.

Suggestions Tarot Justice

Iinsisting on equity that acts on ethical principles
Seeking the equality of being impartial trying to do what is right
Recognizing the truth
Doing what has to be done
Weigh all sides of a problem
Balance all the factors that determine the right action
Accepting the results you created
Recognizing the action of karma

Negative aspects Tarot Justice

Indecision, injustice, too much power when not necessary, bad intentions, illness, only considers its own methods, awarded crimes, blind justice, man-made justice, disadvantage, propaganda, not allowed to help, chaos, suffering, mental debts, imprisonment, laxity when severity is required, rigor when needs compassion.

keywords Tarot Justice

Adjustment, diplomatic, moral/ethical, right/lawyers, code of conduct, accusation, witness, guilt, pact, judgement, defendant, penalty, punishment, strict, sentence.

Tarot combinations Justice




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